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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TDBF, Erstellen von DBase III+ Dateien

  Alt 14. Jun 2016, 14:59
Was benutzt Du wirklich TDBF oder die BDE, die haben nichts miteinander zu tun
Dokumentation zu TDBF:
7.28 TableLevel
property TableLevel: Integer read FTableLevel write SetTableLevel;
Examine TableLevel to nd the current table level. Set TableLevel to specify the table level
for to be created tables. The Active property must be false to be able to set TableLevel.
These are the possible levels:
 3: dBase III+ compatible.
 4: dBase IV compatible. The only di erence to dBase III+ is the current codepage,
locale. dBas
Fritz Westermann
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