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Delphi 12 Athens

Fmx, iOS] [PAClient Error] E0264 iPhone Developer: ambiguous

  Alt 1. Jun 2016, 15:28
Hallo zusammen,

mal wieder ein unschönes Apple-Erlebnis:

Problem: nach jährlichem Zertifikatsablauf, und Update
[PAClient Error] Error: E0264 iPhone Developer: ambiguous
Lösung: Alte Zertifikate im Keychain löschen.
[PAClient Error] Error: E0264 iPhone Developer: ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: Steve Warburton (436LRN54SE)" and "iPhone Developer: Steve Warburton (436LRN54SE)" in /Users/MacHome/Library/Keychains/login.keychain)

I had the same thing happen when I had an old (and therefore expired) certificate from XCode.
I renewed, so XCode created a new certificate, with the same name but a new expiration date.

The solution was to use the Mac's Keychain Access (in Applications, under Utilities) and under Certificates,
delete the old, expired certificate.

Just remember that that might be the only place where your private key is stored,
so you might consider backing up or exporting the expired certificate and key before deleting them from Keychain Access
Ich war eigentlich bisher immer neutral zu Apple,
mittlerweile würde ich aber JEDEM zu Android raten, aus diversen Gründen.
Apple nervt mich nur noch

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