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AW: Hat Jemand schonmal mit TestFairy herumgespielt ?

  Alt 12. Mai 2016, 10:47
Ich habe mal versucht für die TfSdk ein Pascal Unit zu schreiben.

Dummerweise heisst eine Funktion darin "begin".

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das trotzdem kompilieren zu lassen ?

  // non-static (instance) methods of "TfLibrary"
  IS4TfLibrary = interface(NSObject)

    // Interface relates to name and signature in Library
    procedure begin( appToken : NSString ); cdecl;


Und noch eine dumme Frage:

Das SDK liegt als statische Library .a vor.
Wie sieht es denn mit iOS32 und iOS64 aus, funktioniert damit wohl beides ?

Hier die iOS Headerdatei dazu:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface TestFairy: NSObject

 * Initialize a TestFairy session.
 * @param appToken Your key as given to you in your TestFairy account
+ (void)begin:(NSString *)appToken;

 * Initialize a TestFairy session with options.
 * @param appToken Your key as given to you in your TestFairy account
 * @param options A dictionary of options controlling the current session
+ (void)begin:(NSString *)appToken withOptions:(NSDictionary *)options;

 * Change the server endpoint for use with on-premise hosting. Please
 * contact support or sales for more information. Must be called before begin
 * @param serverOverride
+ (void)setServerEndpoint:(NSString *)serverOverride;

 * Returns SDK version (x.x.x) string
 * @return version
+ (NSString *)version;

 * Hides a specific view from appearing in the video generated.
 * @param view The specific view you wish to hide from screenshots
+ (void)hideView:(UIView *)view;

 * Hides a specific html element from appearing in your UIWebView
 * @param selector The specific selector you wish to hide from screenshots. Multiple selectors can be comma separated
+ (void)hideWebViewElements:(NSString *)selector;

 * Pushes the feedback view controller. Hook a button
 * to this method to allow users to provide feedback about the current
 * session. All feedback will appear in your build report page, and in
 * the recorded session page.
+ (void)pushFeedbackController;

 * Send a feedback on behalf of the user. Call when using a in-house
 * feedback view controller with a custom design and feel. Feedback will
 * be associated with the current session.
 * @param feedbackString Feedback text
+ (void)sendUserFeedback:(NSString *)feedbackString;

 * Proxy didUpdateLocation delegate values and these
 * locations will appear in the recorded sessions. Useful for debugging
 * actual long/lat values against what the user sees on screen.
 * @param locations Array of CLLocation. The first object of the array will determine the user location
+ (void)updateLocation:(NSArray *)locations;

 * Marks a checkpoint in session. Use this text to tag a session
 * with a checkpoint name. Later you can filter sessions where your
 * user passed through this checkpoint, for bettering understanding
 * user experience and behavior.
 * @param name The checkpoint name
+ (void)checkpoint:(NSString *)name;

 * Sets a correlation identifier for this session. This value can
 * be looked up via web dashboard. For example, setting correlation
 * to the value of the user-id after they logged in. Can be called
 * only once per session (subsequent calls will be ignored.)
 * @param correlationId Id for the current session
+ (void)setCorrelationId:(NSString *)correlationId;

 * Sets a correlation identifier for this session. This value can
 * be looked up via web dashboard. For example, setting correlation
 * to the value of the user-id after they logged in. Can be called
 * only once per session (subsequent calls will be ignored.)
 * @param correlationId Id for the current session
+ (void)identify:(NSString *)correlationId;

 * Sets a correlation identifier for this session. This value can
 * be looked up via web dashboard. For example, setting correlation
 * to the value of the user-id after they logged in. Can be called
 * only once per session (subsequent calls will be ignored.)
 * @param correlationId Id for the current session
 * @param traits Attributes and custom attributes to be associated with this session
+ (void)identify:(NSString *)correlationId traits:(NSDictionary *)traits;

 * Pauses the current session. This method stops recoding of
 * the current session until resume has been called.
 * @see resume
+ (void)pause;

 * Resumes the recording of the current session. This method
 * resumes a session after it was paused.
 * @see pause
+ (void)resume;

 * Returns the address of the recorded session on testfairy's
 * developer portal. Will return nil if recording not yet started.
 * @return session URL
+ (NSString *)sessionUrl;

 * Takes a screenshot.
+ (void)takeScreenshot;

 * Remote logging, use TFLog as you would use printf. These logs will be sent to the server,
 * but will not appear in the console.
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
   void TFLog(NSString *format, ...) __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
   void TFLogv(NSString *format, va_list arg_list);
#if __cplusplus


extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitNameKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitEmailAddressKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitBirthdayKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitGenderKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitPhoneNumberKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitWebsiteAddressKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitAgeKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKIdentityTraitSignupDateKey;
extern NSString *const TFSDKEnableCrashReporterKey;
extern NSString *const TestFairyDidShakeDevice;
extern NSString *const TestFairyWillProvideFeedback;
extern NSString *const TestFairyDidCancelFeedback;
extern NSString *const TestFairyDidSendFeedback;

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