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Registriert seit: 11. Apr 2009
569 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Aufrufen einer Unterprozedur mit AsyncCalls

  Alt 8. Mai 2016, 18:26
class function Invoke<T>(Event: TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T>; const Arg: T): IAsyncCall; overload; static;

  IAsyncCall = interface
    { Sync() waits until the asynchronous call has finished and returns the
      result value of the called function if that exists. }

    function Sync: Integer;

    { Finished() returns True if the asynchronous call has finished. }
    function Finished: Boolean;

    { ReturnValue() returns the result of the asynchronous call. It raises an
      exception if called before the function has finished. }

    function ReturnValue: Integer;

    { ForceDifferentThread() tells AsyncCalls that the assigned function must
      not be executed in the current thread. }

    procedure ForceDifferentThread;

    { added by Zarko Gajic to support canceling tasks waiting in the ThreadPool queue}
    procedure Cancel;

TAsyncCallArgGenericMethod<T> = function(Arg: T): Integer of object;
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