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AW: Exception EReadError in Modul - Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert

  Alt 14. Apr 2016, 13:38
FormCreate :

  DefaultFont.Name := 'Tahoma';
  DefaultFont.Size := 9;
  Tables := TStringList.Create;
  C := nil;
  with TSQLConnection.RecordProps do
    AddFilterOrValidate('Ident', TSynFilterTrim.Create);
    AddFilterOrValidate('Ident', TSynValidateText.Create);
    // AddFilterOrValidate('Server',TSynValidateText.Create);
  MainCaption := Caption;
  if (ParamCount = 1) and FileExists(paramstr(1)) then
    FN := paramstr(1);
    if IsJetFile(FN) then
      CmdLine := ctJet_mdbOLEDB
    else if IsSQLite3File(FN) then
      CmdLine := ctSqlite3
      ShowMessage(FN + '?', True);
    C := TSQLConnection.Create;
      C.Connection := CmdLine;
      C.Ident := S2U(FN);
      C.Server := C.Ident;
      TryConnect(C, True);
    Conns := TSQLRestStorageInMemory.Create(TSQLConnection, nil,
      ChangeFileExt(ExeVersion.ProgramFileName, '.config'), false);
      Conns.ExpandedJSON := True; // for better human reading and modification
      Task.Title := MainCaption;
      Task.Inst := sSelectAConnection;
      Task.Content := sSelectOrCreateAConnection;
      if Conns.Count = 0 then
        Btns := [cbCancel]
        for i := 0 to Conns.Count - 1 do
          Task.Selection := Task.Selection +
            U2S(TSQLConnection(Conns[i]).Ident) + #10;
        Btns := [cbOk, cbCancel];
        Task.Query := U2S(TSQLConnection(Conns[0]).Ident);
        Task.Verify := sUpdateConnection;
      Task.VerifyChecked := false;
      Task.Buttons := sNew;
      res := Task.Execute(Btns, 0, [], tiQuestion);
      case res of
          if Task.VerifyChecked then
            C := TSQLConnection(Conns[Task.SelectionRes]);
            msg := Task.Verify;
          TryConnect(TSQLConnection(Conns[Task.SelectionRes]), false);
            C := TSQLConnection.Create;
            msg := sNew;
      if C <> nil then
        with TRecordEditForm.Create(self) do
            C.Password := Crypt(C.Password);
            SetRecord(nil, C, nil, nil, sConnectionHints, 0, msg);
            if ShowModal = mrOk then
              C.Password := Crypt(C.Password);
              if TryConnect(C, True) and (res = 100) then
                Conns.AddOne(C, false, '')
              else if res = 100 then
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