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AW: Komponente Android Daten USB senden/empfangen

  Alt 22. Mär 2016, 18:18
Nop !

Because the basic code is just a copy of the original JVCL code.
So, perhaps, a copy of the original GET_REPORT code will also work in this library.

Later, I will look into it !.
Don, I have analysed the WIN JVCL code and they use the Get_Report methode via the DLL from windwos.
you will find in HID.pas of the JVCL LIb:


// (rom) new XP functions

function HidD_GetInputReport(HidDeviceObject: THandle;
Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall;

function HidD_SetOutputReport(HidDeviceObject: THandle;
Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall;


function HidP_GetCaps(PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData;
var Capabilities: THIDPCaps): NTSTATUS; stdcall;
So far as I can say, I am not sure if I can adapt the JVCL LIb with the ANDROID API as the ANDROID API have less commands.
Thanks a lot for your reply.


Geändert von wschrabi (22. Mär 2016 um 22:02 Uhr)
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