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Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2002
Ort: Berglen
2.387 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Torry steht zum Verkauf

  Alt 11. Sep 2015, 20:12
und wech ist es....


I want to notify that "Torry's Delphi Pages" changed its owner.
I hope that 19 years which I spent with torry.net brought some help for Delphi Developers. I was nice time, however there is the time change something in my life.
Thank you for your continuous support!
I'm still consulting YAMACO Software for some time with site management.
Torry.net will be moving to new location, so it will be unavailable for several days.
New owner, YAMACO Software will offer you the new possibilities and will bring torry.net to next level.
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