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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: GDI Handles einer Anwendung

  Alt 1. Sep 2015, 15:21
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Zitat von http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/gdi_handles.html:
'GDI Total' and 'All GDI' columns
The 'GDI Total' column (a new column added on v1.05) displays the total number of all GDI handles found in the GDI table for the specified process. This means that 'GDI Total' column display the sum of the following columns: Pen, ExtPen, Brush, Bitmap, Font, Palette, Region, DC, Metafile DC, Enhanced Metafile DC, and Other GDI.
The 'All GDI' value is taken from Windows API call (GetGuiResources), and it usually contains a value larger than 'GDI Total', probably because it also counts some internal kernel GDI objects that are not included in the GDI objects table of the process.

Notice: If you have a problem that the 'All GDI' value is increased, while there is no leak with the other GDI values, it means that you probably have a leak in the creation of icons or cursors (Icons and cursors are created without destroying them later).
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