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TWebbrowser Flicker on Resize

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 13. Mär 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Mär 2009
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TWebbrowser Flicker on Resize

  Alt 13. Mär 2009, 10:09

When i put a panel and align it on top and then put a webbrowser and align it to the top.Then i load the webpage and try to resize a form it flickers?
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Registriert seit: 4. Dez 2007
Ort: Eschweiler
64 Beiträge

Re: TWebbrowser Flicker on Resize

  Alt 13. Mär 2009, 12:16

is it possible that you didn't set property DoubleBuffered := true. I'm not sure, but try it
for the entire form or just set the property only for the panel or/and the TWebBrowser control.

It's your turn...


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Re: TWebbrowser Flicker on Resize

  Alt 13. Mär 2009, 16:51
It does not work...
Now don't get me wrong i loaded xaml but if i load normal page it does the same.
However if i only put webbrowser as top component it doesnt flicker at all.
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Registriert seit: 4. Dez 2007
Ort: Eschweiler
64 Beiträge

Re: TWebbrowser Flicker on Resize

  Alt 14. Mär 2009, 17:57
Hi Razor,

i figured out your problem and you're right.

Here is your solution:
  • Put a panel at the form. Set its align to top. (for example)
  • Put another panel and its align to client.
  • Put your TWebBrowser at second panel.

 |_ Panel1 (Align: Top)
 |_ Panel2 (Align: Client)
     |_ WebBrowser1 (Align: Client)
Now test. I also set the DoubleBufferd property of the form to true, but it seems that there are no differences.
The flicker is gone. Don't ask me why...

I think it's an internal painting problem.


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