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XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 7. Mär 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Mär 2009
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XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

  Alt 7. Mär 2009, 12:54

I know there is Components that TMS got they called interop that can render and view .xaml files.Demo works but i can't install the components.Is there any other way to render or view xaml files in delphi 2009.
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Re: XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

  Alt 7. Mär 2009, 13:42
XAML is WPF basis, and WPF is .NET and Delphi 2009 for Win32 is (as it's name suggests) NOT .NET, so I don't see a way how you could use WPF in your Delphi (native) Windows application without using Interop-things like Hydra from RemObjects or Reverse P/Invoke, which is horrible complicated.

Edit: Supplemental
The TMS Components are for Delphi 2006 and 2007, not for 2009, so I think that's the reason why you can't install them. Perhaps you should contact TMS directly and ask for Delphi 2009 support for this component?
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
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Re: XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

  Alt 7. Mär 2009, 19:56
I mean they add components wich even dont have pas files so thats why it wont work.
Its TLB Library.The same way TMS does it.So they are making money on Microsoft's thing.Its XAMLRender.TLB now i need XAMLVIEW.TLB.
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Re: XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

  Alt 7. Mär 2009, 20:48
Are you looking for this ?
Coding BOTT - Video Tutorials rund um das Programmieren -
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Re: XAML/WPF in Delphi Render/View

  Alt 7. Mär 2009, 21:05
Exactly i only need to view the xaml file in delphi app.
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