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Benutzerbild von Stevie

Registriert seit: 12. Aug 2003
Ort: Soest
4.039 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

AW: Neuer FixInsight ist da!

  Alt 26. Mär 2015, 13:42
How long is this "SuppressRule" valid: Only for the following method or for the rest of the unit?
For exactly the element it was put on. In this case for the entire method. Personally I would not make it too fine grained.
In the end we want to find bad code and not put suppress rule directives all over the place, right?

We have a similar problem when dealing with string constants and localization tools automagically extracting those from the sources. It is quite common for these tools to accept a special formatted comment to ignore such a constant. If you scan the Delphi source you will find lots of comments like { Do not localize } which are valid for the current line. Perhaps we can have a similar approach for FixInsight warnings.


As the comment lies inside the method implementation the scope should be obvious. Depending on the nature of any rule other intrinsic scopes may be appropriate.
As I said, the current implementation of DelphiAST limits the possibilities. Comments won't work either since they are not part of the generated AST (afaik).
To my knowledge FI works on the generated AST. Anything that is not part of that AST cannot be taken into consideration.
“Simplicity, carried to the extreme, becomes elegance.” Jon Franklin

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