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Monitor Name via Enumdisplaydevices

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 19. Feb 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Feb 2009
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Monitor Name via Enumdisplaydevices

  Alt 19. Feb 2009, 17:40
Ive tried many variations of it.Also Muetze's version.But that can only be used in a listbox.

Is it possible to get a name of monitor based on how many Video cards you have.

( eg. 1: generic monitor on ATI HD 3870 )
( eg. 2: generic monitor on ATI HD 3870 )
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Re: Monitor Name via Enumdisplaydevices

  Alt 19. Feb 2009, 22:41
Zitat von Razor:
Ive tried many variations of it.Also Muetze's version.But that can only be used in a listbox.
You are unable to modify that source? You are unable to post or link that code here that anybody else can modify it for you?

The source is definitly not written to just use a TStrings descendant, it was just one possible way to ouptput all informations.

All the months or years it is still annoying to see, how your learning process goes (on).
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Re: Monitor Name via Enumdisplaydevices

  Alt 20. Feb 2009, 15:56
You are still the same Muetze i can concur to that
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Re: Monitor Name via Enumdisplaydevices

  Alt 20. Feb 2009, 17:41
I only needed string not so much as you showed.But tell me if its ok what i modifyed.

function tform4.monitorname(numberof:integer):string; //does cntr control wich outputs is it for couse i have 2 video DVI outputs.
  Cntr : Cardinal;
  Info : TDisplayDevice;
  AdapterName : PChar;
  OldPos ,j,i : Integer;

  Cntr := numberof;
  Info.cb := SizeOf(Info);
  While EnumDisplayDevices(Nil, Cntr, Info, 0) Do

    AdapterName := StrAlloc(SizeOf(Info.DeviceName));
    StrCopy(AdapterName, Info.DeviceName);
    EnumDisplayDevices(AdapterName, 0, Info, 0);

   for I := 1 to a.count - 1 do begin




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