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Registriert seit: 6. Feb 2015
Ort: Stadtoldendorf
225 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Zwei Spalten auf zwei Server vergleichen

  Alt 28. Feb 2015, 10:18
Ein auszug aus der Hilfe:

Advantage Data Dictionaries can be linked so that tables from multiple databases may be queried in the same SQL statement. The links are created using either the AdsDDCreateLink API in ACE or the sp_CreateLink stored procedure in SQL.

For example, suppose a link named DB2 is created in the database A to reference database B, a connection made to database A can then reference the tables in database B using the dot notation – "SELECT * FROM DB2.table1".

Tables in the linked data dictionary can be used in an SQL statement but they cannot be opened directly using the ACE API. However, this limitation can be worked around by defining a view that references the linked table. For example, given the same set up as the previous example, a view named "DB2_TABLE1" may be defined as "SELECT * FROM DB2.table1". The view DB2_TABLE1 can be opened directly using the ACE API and all of the navigational commands will be available on this view. The only limitation is that the table cannot be opened exclusively and commands that require exclusive access to the table are not available.

Das würde heissen daß es wohl schon der richtige Weg ist. Der zweite Server ist über VPN verbunden.
Da es bis jetzt bei jedem Versuch den externen Server so zu verbinden zur Fehlemeldungen kamm dachte ich das es generell nicht geht.

Ich muss Montag noch einmal die Fehlermeldungen genauer betrachten.
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