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Registriert seit: 10. Jan 2006
Ort: Offenbach
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: 64-bit wird vorausgesetzt: Apples Entwickler-Ultimatum ab Februar

  Alt 18. Dez 2014, 10:53
Marco Cantù ist in die Puschen gekommen und hat Butter bei die Fische getan. In der Delphi Developers G+ Community.
Zitat von Marco Cantù:
R&D at Embarcadero is working on a 64bit iOS compiler, oh well actually 2 of them, also C++. We'll support 64bit and "universal binaries" (bundling both 32 and 64 bit binaries) requested by Apple.
The Feb 1st requirement is only for new apps, not for updating existing ones, but still we are trying to make a solution available by that time.
The roadmap describes the entire year, more than the individual release. This time around we are trying to have it public by January, covering what we expect to deliver in 2015.
Geändert von Sherlock (Morgen um 16:78 Uhr) Grund: Weil ich es kann
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