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Msn 2009 & Personal message change

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 26. Jan 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Jan 2009
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Msn 2009 & Personal message change

  Alt 26. Jan 2009, 19:20
I converted this code from C# and i guess it doesn't work so people please test it i need it for my media player.
It doesn't work in WLM 2009??!!

type TCopyDataStruct = packed record
    dwData: DWORD; //up to 32 bits of data to be passed to the receiving application
    cbData: DWORD; //the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by the lpData member
    lpData: Pointer; //Points to data to be passed to the receiving application. This member can be nil.

procedure tform3.SendData();
  stringToSend : WideString;
  copyDataStruct : TCopyDataStruct;
  receiverHandle : THandle;
  res : integer;
  stringToSend := 'fg';
  copyDataStruct.dwData := 1351; //use it to identify the message contents
  copyDataStruct.cbData := (1 + Length(stringToSend))*2;
  copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(stringToSend);

  receiverHandle := FindWindowex(0,0,pchar('MsnMsgrUIManager'),nil);
  if receiverHandle = 0 then
    ShowMessage('CopyData Receiver NOT found!');
     SendMessage(receiverHandle,WM_COPYDATA, 0, Integer(@copyDataStruct));
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Re: Msn 2009 & Personal message change

  Alt 27. Jan 2009, 15:03
Ah this is making me sick and i am afraid with this its killing the forum what i mean is that its been 22 Views and no reply
Everytime i make a topic...Is really english the problem?
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Re: Msn 2009 & Personal message change

  Alt 27. Jan 2009, 15:04
No English isn't the problem. I've got the same problem

Maybe that helps you:
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Re: Msn 2009 & Personal message change

  Alt 27. Jan 2009, 15:13
Hi Razor,

no, it's not the english language that is the problem. It is the way you are asking and youre expectations.

1.) You are not allowed to push a thread until 24 hours are over. The original post was from yesterday, 20 minutes after 7 pm. So before 20 minutes after 7 pm today it's not allowed to push.


Zitat von Razor:
I converted this code from C# and i guess it doesn't work so people please test it i need it for my media player.
It doesn't work in WLM 2009??!!
Hey, come on. Honestly.
You guess it doesn't work? How about proofing it?
And It doesn't work is not a good description of the problem. What is it, that's not working? Can't you connect to MSN? Are you getting exceptions? Do you receive none / invalid / correct return values?

We need more information to help you. With the information value of your post (which is near to zero!) nobody can help you. And then you seriously wonder, why nobody is answering?
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
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Re: Msn 2009 & Personal message change

  Alt 27. Jan 2009, 15:15
Its supposed to send a message to msnmsgr.exe you find the window thus get its handle and then send it.Thats it WM_COPYDATA ever of heard of it?

Also i am used to this kind of replys.No one made a Core 2 quad core temperature reader until i did.So this how stuff goes around here.
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