So nun ist der Review abgelehnt worden:
ich benutzte FireDac und greife damit auf sqlite zu, liefere die libsqlite3.dylib nicht mit aus, da die auf den macs vorhanden ist.
Keine Ahnung wie man das mit dem Path macht mit Delphi

2.2: Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
The app references frameworks in a fragile manner, which might result in bugs.
The app references the following frameworks using a relative path:
Best Mac
OS X development practices suggest using (in order)
For more information about linking frameworks, please see the following documents:
* Run-Path Dependent Libraries section of Dynamic Library Programming Topics
* dyld(1) man page
If you are unable to reproduce this issue, ensure you are testing the exact version of the app that you submitted for review, and that you're doing so in a minimally privileged environment. See Technical Q&A QA1778: How to reproduce bugs reported against Mac App Store submissions.
For information on how to symbolicate and read a crash log, please see Technical Note TN2123 - CrashReporter.