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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
17.207 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Vcl.Dialogs.TFileDialogOption: Was bewirkt fdoDefaultNoMiniMode

  Alt 3. Dez 2014, 12:16
Frag Microsoft was die Option bewirken soll: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sync...=vs.71%29.aspx

Indicates to the Save As dialog box that it should open in expanded mode. Expanded mode is the mode that is set and unset by clicking the button in the lower-left corner of the Save As dialog box that switches between Browse Folders and Hide Folders when clicked. This value is not supported as of Windows 7.
Windows Vista - Eine neue Erfahrung in Fehlern.
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