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Analog Clock

Ein Thema von Razor · begonnen am 23. Jan 2009 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Feb 2009
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Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 15:45

Well i got another problem and am sure it's been answered before also i searched the forum found nothing special.
My problem is that i'cant find a code to create a custom analog clock.With custom background and custom sticks.

An example how it should look
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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 15:47
Google give you man links for Bei Google suchenanalog clock Delphi. And the first link also provide you with sourcecode.
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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 15:49
I've already done that and it didn't find nothing special.Plus i know its possible to make an analog clock via trigonometry but if someone knows how please post.
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Benutzerbild von Sherlock

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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 16:01
I'm not sure what exactly is your problem. But calculating the dial is actually not that much of a mess. Consider the following link:

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Benutzerbild von Dunkel

Registriert seit: 26. Mär 2007
Ort: Klingenstadt
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Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 16:01
Zitat von Razor:
I've already done that and it didn't find nothing special.Plus i know its possible to make an analog clock via trigonometry but if someone knows how please post.
The second Google link provides a complete analog clock tutorial, inclusive trigometry.
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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 16:02
Yes this is what i need but i need to move the png dial image and not canvas.
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
second_129.png   minute_113.png  
Angehängte Grafiken
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Benutzerbild von Dunkel

Registriert seit: 26. Mär 2007
Ort: Klingenstadt
541 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 16:04
Zitat von Razor:
Yes this is what i need but i need to move the png nible and not canvas.
Then use some code for rotating the graphic and draw it.
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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 16:06
But its png and not bitmap i dont want to lose the transparency?
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Benutzerbild von lbccaleb

Registriert seit: 25. Mai 2006
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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 17:27
Emil Weiss has such a clock in his Hier im Forum suchennonVCL Skin-Engine!

Hope, this helps..
MFG Caleb
TheSmallOne (MediaPlayer)
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Re: Analog Clock

  Alt 23. Jan 2009, 17:28
It sure did!Thanks
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