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AW: Delphi and indy

  Alt 9. Okt 2014, 01:36
i search in google and i found this very old code
procedure addChatText(WB: TEmbeddedWB; const html: string;add:integer = 0);
   Range: IHTMLTxtRange;
   mText : string;
   ext : string;
   sURL : string;
   i : Integer;
  if not joined then Exit;

  if Not Assigned(Wb.Document) then exit;
  Range := ((WB.Document AS IHTMLDocument2).body AS IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange;
  Range.Collapse(False) ;

  if add = 1 then
    if ChatContent <> nil then
      mText := ChatContent.Text;
    end else
      mText := html+'<BR>';
  end else begin
    mText := html+'<BR>';

  if ChatContent <> nil then
    if ChatContent.Count > ChatContentTotal then
      for i := 0 to 10 do
// while (ChatContent.Count) > ChatContentTotal do ChatContent.Delete(0);

  mText := Replace(mText,'!res!url!',sURL);
  mText := Replace(mText,'£££',ext);
  // WB.Body.innerHTML := mText;
  if OptionsIni.SoftScrolling = 0 then chatScroll(WB);
and this how i find example to add text
addChatText(weblog,'<span class="Name">'+userSetting.Name+':</span> '+ strMsg,1); i cant get this worked in delphi xe5

Thats why i thought i can do it like Tmemo

Geändert von drama22 ( 9. Okt 2014 um 01:49 Uhr)
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