Ursache des Problems ist folgende:

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PEB of the process is obviously found in PebBaseAddress. However the PEB of a 64-bit process lies at a 64-bit address and since PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION for 32-bit applications only has space for 32-bit pointer, how can the 64Bit PEB address be returned to a 32-bit application ? If the 64-bit PEB had no high bits set, then technically the 64-bit PEB address could fit into 32-bits without losing any of the address bits. wow64 solves this problem simply by setting PebBaseAddress to NULL in all cases.
Now, wow64 translation is needed in this case since the 64-bit structure members would have to be downsized to fit in 32-bit PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION structure. [32-bit PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION is 24 bytes where as 64-bit PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION is 48 bytes]
Since NtQueryInformationProcess returns success despite this loss of PEB data in the wow64 translation layer, GetModuleFileNameEx in 32-bit process eventually ends up attempting to read invalid memory in the opened process, when it calls ReadProcessMemory (or more specifically NtReadVirtualMemory) with offsets from NULL PEB returned. This causes error 299 (ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY).
Ich weiß nicht genau, ab welcher Version von Windows diese Funktionen implementiert wurden, aber schau dir mal NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64 und NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64 aus der ntdll.dll an.