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StringGrid Inhalte zentrieren.

Ein Thema von Piro · begonnen am 2. Dez 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Jun 2011
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Registriert seit: 24. Feb 2005
Ort: Hamburg
115 Beiträge
Delphi XE7 Professional

AW: StringGrid Inhalte zentrieren.

  Alt 27. Jun 2011, 22:46
Hier noch ein Beispiel dazu von Peter Below (TeamB)

procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; nCol, nRow: Longint; nRect: TRect;
  State: TGridDrawState);
  Cpos: Integer;
  with (Sender as TStringGrid) do
    with Canvas do
      Font := (Sender as TStringGrid).Font;

      if (gdSelected in State) and (Sender = ActiveControl) then
        Brush.Color := clHighlight;
        Font.Color := clHighlightText;
      else if (gdFixed in State) then
        Brush.Color := (Sender as TStringGrid).FixedColor
        Brush.Color := (Sender as TStringGrid).Color;
      SetBkMode(Handle, TRANSPARENT);

      if (nRow = 0) or (nCol = 2) then
      { Centered Text }
        SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_CENTER);
        with nRect do
          Cpos := Left + ((Right - Left) div 2) - 1;
        TextOut(Cpos, nRect.Top + 2, Cells[nCol, nRow]);
      else if (nCol = 3) or (nCol = 4) then
      { Right Justified Text }
        SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_Right);
        TextOut(nRect.Right - 2, nRect.Top + 2, Cells[nCol, nRow]);
        { normal Left Justified Text }
        SetTextAlign(Handle, TA_LEFT);
        TextOut(nRect.Left + 2, nRect.Top + 2, Cells[nCol, nRow]);
Gruß madtom
Delphi Programming
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