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Benutzerbild von DeddyH

Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2006
Ort: Barchfeld
27.654 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Bass.dll erneutes starten von Lied unterbinden

  Alt 31. Jul 2014, 13:18
Und wieder ein Blick in die Bemerkungen:
The exact length of a stream will be returned once the whole file has been streamed, but until then it is not always possible to 100% accurately estimate the length. The length is always exact for MP3/MP2/MP1 files when the BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN flag is used in the BASS_StreamCreateFile call, otherwise it is an (usually accurate) estimation based on the file size. The length returned for OGG files will usually be exact (assuming the file is not corrupt), but when streaming from the internet (or "buffered" user file), it can be a very rough estimation until the whole file has been downloaded. It will also be an estimate for chained OGG files that are not pre-scanned.
Wobei es mir schon komisch vorkommt, wieso das Neustarten eines Songs von der Position einer Trackbar abhängt. Sind da Logik und Darstellung evtl. nicht sauber getrennt?
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