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AW: OpenGL Bitmap für Texttur schnell im Speicher erzeugen

  Alt 29. Jun 2014, 15:50
steh wohl grad auf dem Schlauch.
Wunder mich schon ne Weile, überall steht Scanline ist schneller
Hier ist es doch auch so. Oder.
  PRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray;
  TRGBTripleArray = array[0..4095] of TRGBTriple;

procedure GrayscaleBitmap(ABitmap: TBitmap);
  X: Integer;
  Y: Integer;
  Gray: Byte;
  Pixels: PRGBTripleArray;
  // iterate bitmap from top to bottom to get access to each row's raw data
  for Y := 0 to ABitmap.Height - 1 do
    // get pointer to the currently iterated row's raw data
    Pixels := ABitmap.ScanLine[Y];
    // iterate the row's pixels from left to right in the whole bitmap width
    for X := 0 to ABitmap.Width - 1 do
      // calculate luminance for the current pixel by the mentioned formula
      Gray := Round((0.299 * Pixels[X].rgbtRed) +
        (0.587 * Pixels[X].rgbtGreen) + (0.114 * Pixels[X].rgbtBlue));
      // and assign the luminance to each color component of the current pixel
      Pixels[X].rgbtRed := Gray;
      Pixels[X].rgbtGreen := Gray;
      Pixels[X].rgbtBlue := Gray;
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