Thema: NToBE ?

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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2011
Ort: Mannheim
1.384 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney


  Alt 3. Mär 2014, 15:01
Wenn man die Insert rausschmeißt geht's, ansonsten braucht man eine Liste innerhalb des Parsers.

BTW: Hast du die Einleseroutine verstanden? Wenn ja wie kommen FloatValue und
IntValue in die DxfItems, da wird später nämlich munter drauf zugegriffen, ich sehe aber kein Einlesen?

  TDxfToken = class
    GroupCode: integer;
    StrValue: string;
    FloatValue: double;
    IntValue: integer;
    Childs: TList;
    procedure Clear;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;

  TDxfTokenizer = class
    Tokens: TList;
    function TablesSubsection(const Value: string): boolean;
    function BlocksSubsection(const Value: string): boolean;
    function EntitiesSubsection(const Value: string): boolean;
    procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
    procedure Clear;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;

procedure TDxfTokenizer.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string);
  I: integer;
  StrSectionGroupCode, StrSectionName: string;
  IntSectionGroupCode: integer;
  CurTokenBase, NextTokenBase, SectionTokenBase, LastBlockToken: TList;
  NewToken: TDxfToken;
  ParserState: integer;
  SL: TStringList;
  if FileExists(FileName) then
    SL := TStringList.Create;

      CurTokenBase := Tokens;
      NextTokenBase := Tokens;
      I := 0;
      ParserState := 0;

      while I < SL.Count - 1 do
        CurTokenBase := NextTokenBase;

        // Now read and process the section name
        StrSectionGroupCode := SL.Strings[I];
        IntSectionGroupCode := StrToInt(Trim(StrSectionGroupCode));
        StrSectionName := SL.Strings[I + 1];

        NewToken := TDxfToken.Create;
        NewToken.GroupCode := IntSectionGroupCode;
        NewToken.StrValue := StrSectionName;

        // Waiting for a section
        if ParserState = 0 then
          if (StrSectionName = 'SECTION') then
            ParserState := 1;
            NextTokenBase := NewToken.Childs;
            if (StrSectionName = 'EOF') then
            // Comments can be in the beginning of the file and start with 999
              if (IntSectionGroupCode = 999) then
                // nothing to be done, let it add the token
                raise Exception.Create(Format(
                  'TDxfTokenizer.ReadFromStrings: Expected SECTION, but got: %s', [StrSectionname]));
        // Processing the section name
          if ParserState = 1 then
            if (StrSectionName = 'HEADER') or
              (StrSectionName = 'CLASSES') or
              (StrSectionName = 'OBJECTS') or
              (StrSectionName = 'THUMBNAILIMAGE') then
              ParserState := 2;
              SectionTokenBase := CurTokenBase;
              if (StrSectionName = 'BLOCKS') or (StrSectionName = 'TABLES') then
                ParserState := 4;
                SectionTokenBase := CurTokenBase;
                if (StrSectionName = 'ENTITIES') then
                  ParserState := 3;
                  SectionTokenBase := CurTokenBase;
                  raise Exception.Create(Format(
                    'TDxfTokenizer.ReadFromStrings: Invalid section name: %s', [StrSectionname]));
          // Reading a generic section
            if ParserState = 2 then
              if StrSectionName = 'ENDSECthen
                ParserState := 0;
                CurTokenBase := SectionTokenBase;
                NextTokenBase := Tokens;
            // Reading the ENTITIES section
              if ParserState = 3 then
                if EntitiesSubsection(StrSectionName) then
                  CurTokenBase := SectionTokenBase;
                  NextTokenBase := NewToken.Childs;
                  if StrSectionName = 'ENDSECthen
                    ParserState := 0;
                    CurTokenBase := SectionTokenBase;
                    NextTokenBase := Tokens;
              // Reading the TABLES or BLOCKS sections
                if ParserState = 4 then
                  // This orders the blocks themselves
                  if TablesSubsection(StrSectionName) or BlocksSubsection(StrSectionName) then
                    CurTokenBase := SectionTokenBase;
                    NextTokenBase := NewToken.Childs;
                    LastBlockToken := NewToken.Childs;
                  // This orders the entities inside blocks
                    if EntitiesSubsection(StrSectionName) and (LastBlockToken <> nil) then
                      CurTokenBase := LastBlockToken;
                      NextTokenBase := NewToken.Childs;
                      if StrSectionName = 'ENDSECthen
                        ParserState := 0;
                        CurTokenBase := SectionTokenBase;
                        NextTokenBase := Tokens;
        Inc(I, 2);
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