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Der schöne Günther

Registriert seit: 6. Mär 2013
6.189 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Remove tray icon when killing program

  Alt 18. Okt 2013, 11:27
That might indeed sound pretty complicated but there are a lot of free code snippets for "How do I find a window handle if I only have the process ID?". It's also what I'd strongly suggest since TerminateProcess is pretty much like shooting someone in the head... from behind.

Always give the other application a fair change to shut down and clean up. This also includes the remaining unwanted tray icon (blood splatter?).

Here's an excerpt of how I search for the Window handle of a process I only have the ID of for later sending a WM_CLOSE message. I believe it has a few shortcomings like only returning the first window that matches but it always served me well.

   TEnumInfo = record
      ProcessID: DWORD;
      HWND: THandle;

   //Prozess-ID muss stimmen. Das Fenster muss nicht aktiviert oder sichtbar sein!
   function EnumWindowsProc(Wnd: DWORD; var EI: TEnumInfo): Bool; stdcall;
      PID: DWORD;
      GetWindowThreadProcessID(Wnd, @PID);
      Result := (PID <> EI.ProcessID);
      //or IsWindowVisible(WND)) or (not IsWindowEnabled(WND));

      if not Result then EI.HWND := WND; //Die Enumeration durch alle Fenster
      // geht NUR weiter, wenn diese Funktion TRUE liefert!

   //Wird kein Fenster gefunden, ist die Rückgabe 0
   function FindFirstWindow(PID: DWORD): DWORD;
      EI: TEnumInfo;
      EI.ProcessID := PID;
      EI.HWND := 0;
      EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, Integer(@EI));
      Result := EI.HWND;
Most of it was probably "borrowed" from this very forum.

You can then just get the Windowhandle
evilWindowHandle := FindFirstWindow(evilProcess.dwProcessId); and send a WM_CLOSE: PostMessage(evilWindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, LPARAM(False), WPARAM(False));
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