Ich habe hier ein LINUX-Programm gefunden, das direkt über den USB-Port ausliest:
Fine Offset Weather Station Reader - Lightweight Linux USB Wireless Weather Station Reader
fowsr performs a complete read out of the weather station memory using its USB port, and stores the result in a cache file to speed up later read-outs. Rain data is then calculated per hour, day, week and month if data for these periods exist. No further data processing is performed. This makes fowsr very small and well suited for running in embedded devices at remote locations. Adding a 3G USB modem to an embedded device such as the NSLU2 or Fritz!Box makes it possible to receive weather data from remote weather stations with very limited hardware.
After sending the read command, the device will send back 32 bytes data wihtin 100ms.
If not, then it means the command has not been received correctly.
char buf_1 = (char)(ptr / 256);
char buf_2 = (char)(ptr & 0xFF);
char tbuf[8];
tbuf[0] = 0xA1; // READ COMMAND
tbuf[1] = buf_1; // READ ADDRESS HIGH
tbuf[2] = buf_2; // READ ADDRESS LOW
tbuf[3] = 0x20; // END MARK
tbuf[4] = 0xA1; // READ COMMAND
tbuf[5] = 0; // READ ADDRESS HIGH
tbuf[6] = 0; // READ ADDRESS LOW
tbuf[7] = 0x20; // END MARK