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Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2002
Ort: Berglen
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Halbjahreszyklus für Delphi bleibt !?

  Alt 18. Sep 2013, 16:37

eben gelesen:

At the recent XE5 preview event in Sydney the question was asked if the 6 month release cycle was here to stay. Malcolm Groves with David I in attendence told us that more likely than not, yes the 6 month release cycle would continue and that was how they would keep current with the many different releases of Windows, OSX, iOS and Android. Today’s iOS7 support news confirms this, XE4 released only 6 months ago has been effectively retired.

ist mein Verständnis komplett neben der Spur oder steht da wirklich das was ich verstehe?
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