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Speicher (Resource) Problem

Ein Thema von EWeiss · begonnen am 24. Okt 2008
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Speicher (Resource) Problem

  Alt 24. Okt 2008, 12:57
Hab ein Problem mit meiner Uhr wäre nett wenn mal jemand drüber schaut.
Warum diese immer weiter Daten in den Speicher haut obwohl ich meines erachtens alles freigebe.

function ClockProc(WinHandle: HWND; Msg: UINT; wP: wParam; lP: LParam): LResult;

  rc, rw: TRect;
  lpt: TPoint;
  Graphics: cardinal;
  Img, imgW, imgH: cardinal;
  tx, ty: integer;
  ps: TPaintStruct;
  hDCBack: cardinal;
  nHH, nMM, nSS, nMS: word;
  nAngle: single;
  CenterX, CenterY, X, Y: integer;
  Pi180: double;
  TheTime: TDateTime;


  with SkinEngine do
    case Msg of
        FUpdateWindow(WinHandle, False);

        Result := 1;

        Img := GetProperty(WinHandle, PROP_IMAGE);
        ARGB1 := GetProperty(WinHandle, PROP_TEXT_COLOR);
        ARGB2 := GetProperty(WinHandle, TRACK_ARGB);

        GetClientRect(WinHandle, rc);
        if Img <> 0 then
          if Msg = WM_PAINT then
            nhDC := BeginPaint(WinHandle, ps);

            if not Composited then
              nhDC := DoubleBuffer(ps.hDC, rc.Right, rc.Bottom, 1);

              GetWindowRect(WinHandle, rw);
              lpt.x := rw.Left;
              lpt.y := rw.Top;
              ScreenToClient(Mainwindow(0), lpt);

              // BACK_PaintBitmap
              hDCBack := CreateCompatibleDC(nhDC);
              SelectObject(hDCBack, GetBackBitmap(Mainwindow(0)));
              BitBlt(nhDC, 0, 0, rc.Right, rc.Bottom, hDCBack,
                lpt.x, lpt.y, SRCCOPY);

          end else // WM_PRINT
            nhDC := wP;

        if GdipCreateFromHDC(nhDC, Graphics) = 0 then
          Pi180 := 0.0174532925199433;

          GetImageSize(Img, imgW, imgH);

          tx := (rc.Right - integer(imgW)) div 2;
          ty := (rc.Bottom - integer(imgH)) div 2;

          TheTime := Time;
          DecodeTime(TheTime, nHH, nMM, nSS, nMS);

          if nHH > 12 then
            nHH := nHH - 12;

          GdipSetSmoothingMode(Graphics, 4); // SmoothingModeAntiAlias

          GdipDrawImageRectRectI(Graphics, Img,
            tx, ty, ImgW, ImgH, 0, 0, ImgW, ImgH, 2, nil, False, nil);

          if imgW < imgH then
            imgH := imgW;
          if imgH < imgW then
            imgW := imgH;

          CenterX := tx + integer(imgW) div 2;
          CenterY := ty + integer(imgH) div 2;

          // Zeichne den Stunden Zeiger
          if nHH > 12 then
            nHH := nHH - 12;
          nAngle := (nHH * 30 - 90) + 30 * nMM div 60;
          X := CenterX + round(COS(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterX - (integer(imgW) div 4)));
          Y := CenterY + Round(SIN(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterY - (integer(imgW) div 4)));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX + 2, CenterY + 2, X + 2, Y + 2,
            $40000000, (imgW div 40));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX, CenterY, X, Y, ARGB1, (imgW div 40));

          // Zeichne Minuten Zeiger
          nAngle := (nMM * 6 - 90) + 6 * nSS div 60;
          X := CenterX + round(COS(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterX - (integer(imgW) div 5)));
          Y := CenterY + round(SIN(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterY - (integer(imgW) div 5)));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX + 2, CenterY + 2, X + 2, Y + 2,
            $40000000, (imgW div 40));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX, CenterY, X, Y, ARGB1, (imgW div 40));

          // Zeichne Sekunden Zeiger
          nAngle := (nSS * 6 - 90);
          X := CenterX + round(COS(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterX - (integer(imgW) div 6)));
          Y := CenterY + round(SIN(nAngle * Pi180) *
            (CenterY - (integer(imgW) div 6)));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX + 2, CenterY + 2, X + 2, Y + 2,
            $40000000, (imgW div 50));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX, CenterY, X, Y, ARGB2, (imgW div 50));

          nAngle := (nSS * 6 - 270);
          X := CenterX + round(COS(nAngle * Pi180) * (imgW div 8));
          Y := CenterY + round(SIN(nAngle * Pi180) * (imgW div 8));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX + 2, CenterY + 2, X + 2, Y + 2,
            $40000000, (imgW div 50));
          DrawLine(Graphics, CenterX, CenterY, X, Y, ARGB2, (imgW div 50));

          // Zeichne das Zentrum der Uhr
          DrawEllipseFilled(Graphics, CenterX - 1, CenterY - 1, 6, 6, $40000000);
          DrawEllipseFilled(Graphics, CenterX - 3, CenterY - 3, 6, 6, $FFFF0000);



        if Msg = WM_PAINT then
          if not Composited then
            DoubleBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0);

          EndPaint(WinHandle, ps);
        Result := 0;
        // Lösche das Image
        Img := GetProperty(WinHandle, PROP_IMAGE);
        KillTimer(WinHandle, 1);
    Result := DefWindowProc(WinHandle, Msg, wP, lP);

Hier wird der zeiger gezeichnet und anschließend alles gelöscht
procedure DrawLine(Graphics: cardinal; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer;
  ARGB: COLORREF; PenSize: integer);
  hPen: integer;
  GdipCreatePen1(ARGB, PenSize, 2, hPen);
  GdipDrawLineI(Graphics, hPen, x1, y1, x2, y2);

procedure DrawEllipseFilled(Graphics: cardinal; x1, y1, x2, y2, ARGB: COLORREF);
  hBrush: Pointer;
  GdipCreateSolidFill(ARGB, hBrush);
  GdipFillEllipseI(Graphics, hBrush, x1, y1, x2, y2);

gruss Emil
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