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Hallo zusammen,
ich habe probleme mit der Benutzung der eBay.SDK.Api.dll . Und zwar weis ich nicht genau wie ich darauf zugreifen muss bzw. Wie ich die Initalisieren muss. In der SDK beschreibung steht folgendes : ![]() API Library Design Model
Objects defined in API Library can be divided into two groups: The eBay.SDK.Model namespace The eBay.SDK.API Namespace The eBay.SDK.Model namespace The namespace eBay.SDK.Model contains the interfaces and classes that describe the eBay data model for the eBay SDK. Five sub-namespaces are defined to hold all objects, components, and data types that are used throughout the SDK: eBay.SDK.Model.Account: IAccount and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.Feedback: IFeedback and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.Item: IItem and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.Sale: ISale and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.User: IUser and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.Attributes: IAttribute and its related interfaces and classes. eBay.SDK.Model.Catalog: IProduct and its related interfaces and classes. Collection classes have been defined for most data objects using the naming convention: I[dataObj]Collection Under this convention, [dataObj] is the data object name. For example, IUserCollection is the collection class for the IUser object. The eBay.SDK.API Namespace The namespace eBay.SDK.API contains the interfaces defined for each eBay API Call. Each eBay API is represented by one API call class. These classes are named using the convention: [apiName]Call Here [apiName] is the name of the API call for which the class is a wrapper. For example, AddItemCall correponds to the AddItem API call and IGetUserCall represents the GetUser API call. Each API call class implements two interfaces: IAPICall (which is common to all API call classes) and an interface specific to the particular API call. IAPICall is the base interface that each API call class implements. It defines common properties and methods that are shared by all API call classes. Important properties include: DetailLevel, SiteId, Verb, Timeout, and most importantly ApiCallSession, which supplies API account and eBay account information and manages logging for each API call. You may notice that IAPICall has a method called Execute( ), which sends the composed XML request to eBay, gets the response back, and processes it. You can also override the method FilterRequest( ) to customize the request XML prior to its being sent to eBay and use the FilterResponse( ) method to intercept the response XML right after it is received from eBay. Each API call class also implements its own interface that defines API properties and methods that are specific to the API it represents. The naming convention for API-specific interfaces is: I[apiName]Call For example, IGetFeedbackCall is the API-specific interface for the API call class GetFeedbackCall. Class GetItemCall, for instance, implements both interface IGetItemCall and IAPICall. Each I[apiName]Call interface has a "master" method that has the same name as [apiName]. The master method I[apiName]Call.[apiName] makes the actual call to eBay and returns the instantiated object or object collection. For instance, IGetAccountCall has the method GetAccount( ), which actually calls eBay by sending a GetAccount-specific XML request parses the response XML to extract account objects, and returns an IAccount instance. Some APIs contain other helper methods in addition to the usual master API method (e.g., IGetSellerListCall has the GetSellerList( ) method and the GetEntireSellerList( ) method, while the second one retrieves all seller item list by automatically handling the paginations for you). ![]() API Library Usage
In order to make an API call, you need to: 1. Construct and configure an IApiSession object. 2. Instantiate an [apiName]Call object (which implements two interfaces: I[apiName]Call and IAPICall). 3. Fill all required fields in the IAPICall interface (one of them is the property "ApiSession"). 4. Fill required fields in the I[apiName]Call object. 5. Call the "master" method of the API call object (I[apiName]Call.[apiName]). For example, the master method for IAddItemCall is IAddItemCall.AddItem. Always use a try..catch construct to capture any exception, especially IAPIException which carries API-specific errors including the "Short Message" and "Long Message" that are defined in eBay API. iPix support is built into IAddItemCall: all you need to do is to add the path for a photo file to IAddItemCall.PictureFiles, and during the IAddItemCall.AddItem( ) call, the specified images files are automatically uploaded to iPix. You can specify up to six photos for an item. ![]() Adding an Item with the API
Overview This topic illustrates the minimal steps to use a call to the API function AddItem to list an item on eBay from an eBay SDK application. The SDK provides classes that are wrappers around API functions. In this particular case, the SDK class AddItemCall is the wrapper class for the API function AddItem. An instance of the Integration Library interface IItem is needed to contain the definition for the new item. This IItem object is used by the AddItemCall object, in its ItemToAdd property. The AddItemCall.AddItem method calls the API function AddItem and sends the item definition in ItemToAdd to eBay as a new item listing. NOTE: When listing an item entirely using the Integration Library, data for the new item is stored in the Integration Database and synchronized to eBay from the Integration Database through built-in Integration Library class methods (IEBaySession.SaveItem and IEBaySynchronizer.ListItemsToEBay). But when listing an item using the AddItemCall class from the API library, no such local database integration and synchronization is provided. An application can still save the item data to the Integration Database (with IEBaySession.SaveItem), but once there its data must be maintained programmatically by the application. The call to the AddItemCall.AddItem method "synchronizes" to eBay only one item definition per call, and so this must be repeated for each additional new item. While the source code examples shown here to illustrate the process of submitting an item with AddItemCall are in VB.NET, the same steps need to be performed regardless of the actual programming language used. There are four simple steps to submitting an item using the API Library. An optional fifth step describes verifying that the item was successfully submitted. Prerequisite: Import the Applicable Libraries Step 1: Create an API Call Session Step 2: Define the Item Step 3: Create the AddItemCall object Step 4: Submit the Item to eBay Optional Step: Verify the Item Submission Prerequisite: Import the Applicable Libraries An application that uses the objects and methods described here must reference the libraries in which those objects are defined and the base SDK libraries that support them. Imports System Imports System.IO Imports eBay.SDK Imports eBay.SDK.API Imports eBay.SDK.Model Imports eBay.SDK.Model.Item Imports eBay.SDK.Integration Step 1: Create an API Call Session The first step in submitting a new item to eBay using the AddItemCall class is to create and configure an API call session: an IAPISession object. The API call session object contains such information as the header data for the API call, the URL to which to send the API request, and the user name and password for the seller (the requestor for the call to the API function AddItem). In this example, the IAPISession object is named ApiCallSession and its properties are set here from memory variables. ' Instantiate a new IApiSession object Dim ApiCallSession As eBay.SDK.API.IApiSession ApiCallSession = new ApiSession() ' Enable API-XML logging ApiCallSession.Log = new LogFile(); ApiCallSession.Log.Open("MyLogfile.txt"); ApiCallSession.LogCallXml = true; ' Set environment information ApiCallSession.Developer = mTxtDeveloperId ApiCallSession.Application = mTxtApplicationId ApiCallSession.Certificate = mTxtCertificate ' Set URL for API Call ApiCallSession.Url = mTxtUrl ' Set requesting user (seller) information ApiCallSession.RequestUserId = mTxtUser ApiCallSession.RequestPassword = mTxtUserPass This step is only required once each time the application is run. However, if multiple users would be using the application, this step would need to be performed each time a different user would act as an item seller. Step 2: Define the Item The most verbose step in submitting an item is defining the item itself. This involves setting such item properties as its title, the duration of the listing, and the minimum bid for the item. The item is represented with an IItem object, in the variable item in this example. The first part of this step is creating the IItem object. ' Create the IItem object Dim item As IItem = New eBay.SDK.Model.Item.Item() Last, set the item's listing properties. item.SiteId = SiteIdEnum.US item.Type = ItemTypes.Auction item.Title = "The item's title" item.Description = "The item's description" item.Currency = CurrencyEnum.USDollar item.Location = "San Jose, CA" item.Country = "us" item.CategoryId = 355 item.Quantity = 1 item.Duration = 5 item.StartPrice = 10.00 item.BuyItNowPrice = 15.00 item.ReservePrice = 0 item.PaymentTerms.SeeDescription = True item.ShippingOptions.ShippingRange = ShippingRangeEnum.SiteOnly item.ShippingOptions.ShippingPayment.SeeDescriptio n = True item.Uuid = New Uuid(True) This step is required for each new item to be listed. Step 3: Create the AddItemCall object The AddItemCall class is a wrapper around the API function AddItem, that lists a new item to eBay. The AddItemCall.ItemToAdd property (which is of type IItem) represents the definition of the new item to list on eBay. Use the IItem object created in Step 2 for the value of the ItemToAdd property. In this example, the instantiated AddItemCall object is named api. ' Instantiate the AddItemCall object Dim api As AddItemCall = New AddItemCall(ApiCallSession) ' Insert the item definition from Step 2 api.ItemToAdd = item ' Set the level for returned API error strings api.ErrorLevel = ErrorLevelEnum.BothShortAndLongErrorStrings Step 4: Submit the Item to eBay Once the item has been defined, the AddItemCall object has been created, and the item definition has been inserted into the AddItemCall object, the item is ready to be sent off to eBay. Do this with a call to the AddItemCall.AddItem method. Store the results from the call to AddItem into an IFees object (in this example, named ife). ' Always use a Try..Catch construct to handle API call exceptions. Try ' IFees is returned with listing fee information. Dim ife As IFees = api.AddItem() ' If there's an error an exception is thrown. ' So if we get to here, everything is okay. MsgBox("AddItem succeeded! The new item ID is: " + item.ItemId) ' React to any API exception. Catch ex As APIException MsgBox("APIException - AddItem call failed: " + ex.Message) ' React to any general exception. Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Exception - AddItem call failed: " + ex.Message) End Try The IFees object that is returned by a successful call to AddItem contains the fees for listing the new item on eBay. Of these fees, the insertion fee is the one that will almost always be a nonzero value (except on the Free Listing Days that eBay occasionally offers). So a nonzero insertion fee (and the lack of any exception) is typically a good indicator that the call was successful and the item was listed on eBay. To check the resulting insertion fee, inspect the value of the IFees.InsertionFee property. Optional Step: Verify the Item Submission The ultimate verification that the new item was successfully listed on eBay and all of its properties are correct is to view the item. In the context of an SDK application, this could be a matter of calling the API function GetItem (through use of a GetItemCall object). For information on how to do this, see Retrieving an Item with the API. Vielen Dank schon mal im vorraus. MFG Sascha |
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