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Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2002
Ort: Berglen
2.385 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Delphi XE4 oder Lazarus für Firebird-DB-Produktionssystem?

  Alt 28. Aug 2013, 09:59
Holger Klemt (IBExpert) -meine ich- hat IBExpert mit Lazarus entwickelt. Frage ihn doch mal per PN.
ja hat er:
News vom 18.Februar

By the way: since 2011 all new products created by IBExpert KG (except IBExpert Developer Studio, which is still compiled with Delphi 5) are implemented with Lazarus.

We are very happy that we made the step. For all Pascal programmers, who do not want to change their language but also do not want to pay thousands of dollars or Euros per developer every year for buggy new Delphi versions, we recommend you consider using Lazarus. It is free, powerful and if you require it, we can offer commercial support and training.

The open source product Firebird took perhaps 12 years to kill its commercial competitor InterBase®. Where will the commercial product Delphi be in 10 years compared to Lazarus? Who knows ...

und er bietet auch Support dafür an:
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