Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2002
Ort: Karlsruhe
1.989 Beiträge
Re: wie kann ich ein image speichern und drucken
23. Feb 2004, 22:10
und drucken:
Zitat von Die Hilfe:
Printing graphic images from a Delphi application is a simple task. The only requirement for printing is that you add the Printers unit to the uses clause of the form that will call the printer. The Printers unit declares a printer object called Printer that has a canvas that represents the printed page.
To print a graphic image:
Copy the image to the printer's canvas.
You can use the printer's canvas just as you would any other canvas. In particular, that means you can copy the contents of a graphic object, such as a bitmap, to the printer directly.