TaoADODataSet Component Suite
TaoADODataSet Component Suite is FREEWARE! Source is included in the download
package and it should compile under Delphi 3, Delphi 4, Delphi 5 (main design compiler), and possible C++ Builder 3.0 and C++ Builder 4.0 (again both untested by myself). Since the initial release, several people have contributed either testing, code, or new features, so this is no longer just my project. If you would like to contribute to the project, please feel free to send me the code and I'll distribute it. TaoADODataSet will remain free and available as an open source project.
Liest sich für mich wie, "dies ist eine Billigversion" aber Du hast ja Zugriff auf die Sourcen, damit könnte man vielleicht weiter kommen?