Thema: Vpe

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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Vpe

  Alt 10. Mai 2013, 13:46
Wenn ich Dich richtig verstehe könnte Dir nBottom in Verbindung mit RenderWrite weiter helfen.
Das ist halt nicht sehr komfortabel.

Ich hatte dem Hersteller mal einen SoftPageBreak vorgeschlagen. Man könnte dann einen solchen setzen und falls die nächste(n) Aktion(en) einen Seitenwechsel benötigen würden, sollte das Framework diesen hart einfügen. Sie wollten das aufnehmen, aber so häufig tut sich da scheinbar nichts...

Mal ein Beispiel anbei. Ich brauche da zwar keinen Seitenwechsel aber vielleicht findest Du eine Anregung.
procedure TodGame.ExportVPE;
  T: Double;
  S: String;
  TW, TH, XC, Y1, Y2, YGP: Double;
  I, C: Integer;
  H, W: Double;
  SP: TodSetPoints;

  procedure WriteGameParty(L, T, W, H: Double; GameParty: TodGameParty; RightFlag: Boolean);
    S: String;
    SL, PL, PW: Double;
    I, C: Integer;
    Player: TodPlayer;
    PlayerName: String;
    StahliSportOptions.GamePaperPictures := gppLarge;
    with VPEStahliSport do
        if IsDoubleGame then
          C := 2
          C := 1;
        if odExist(GameParty.Team) then
            BKGMode := VBKG_SOLID;
            BKGColor := ColorLightness(clBlue, 235);
            WriteBox(L, T, W, VFREE, '[N CE]' + GameParty.Team.LongName);
            if C = 2 then
                T := T + 1;
                // H := H - 1;
                T := T + 0.75;
                // H := H - 0.75;
            BKGColor := clWhite;
            BKGMode := VBKG_TRANSPARENT;
        for I := 1 to C do
            case I of
                  Player := GameParty.Player1;
                  PlayerName := VPEPlayerName(Player, True, True);
                  Player := GameParty.Player2;
                  PlayerName := VPEPlayerName(Player, True, True);
                Player := nil;
                PlayerName := '';
            Write(L, T, W, VFREE, PlayerName);

            if not odExist(GameParty.Team) then
                if Player <> nil then
                  S := Player.GetClubName
                  S := '';;
                if S = 'then
                  S := ' ';
                TextColor := clGray;
                Write(L, nBottom, W, VFREE, '[N CE]' + S);

            TextColor := clBlack;
            WriteBox(L, T, W, nBottom, '');
            T := nBottom;
            if StahliSportOptions.GamePaperPictures <> gppNone then
                S := '';
                if Player <> nil then
                    if Player <> PlayerBye then
                        S := PathTmp + 'PersonPicture' + Player.Person.odId + '.bmp';
                        if C > 1 then
                            PW := (W / C) - (W / 10);
                            if not RightFlag then
                              PL := L + Abs(W) - Abs(PW)
                              PL := L;
                            Picture(PL, T, PW, PW, S);
                            case StahliSportOptions.GamePaperPictures of
                                  PW := W;
                                  PL := L;
                                  Picture(PL, T, PW, PW, S);
                                  PW := W / 2;
                                  if not RightFlag then
                                    PL := L + Abs(W) - Abs(PW)
                                    PL := L;
                                  Picture(PL, T, PW, PW, S);
            T := nBottom;

            if not RightFlag then
              SL := nRightMargin - 4
              SL := nLeftMargin;
            WriteBox(SL, nBottomMargin - 1.5, -4, -1.5, '[N CE S 10 I C Gray]Zeichen');

  with VPEStahliSport do
      // Margin := 1.3;
      XC := nLeftMargin + ((nRightMargin - nLeftMargin) / 2);
      T := nBottom + 0.25;

      S := 'Spielzettel';
      S := ' ' + S + ' ';
      RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, '[N S 12 CE I C White BC Gray U TO AO]' + S);
      TW := nRenderWidth;
      // TH := nRenderHeight;
      WriteBox(nLeftMargin, nTopMargin, nRightMargin, nBottomMargin, '');
      Write(XC - (TW / 2), T, -TW, VFREE, '[N S 12 CE I C White BC Gray U TO AO]' + S);
      Write(XC - (TW / 2) + 0.01, T, -TW, VFREE, '[N S 12 CE I C Blue U T AO]' + S);

      Y1 := T; // nBottom + 0.5;
      PenSize := 0.01;
      S := te.Sport.SportPlaceName;
      if S = 'then
        S := 'Feld';
      Write(nLeftMargin + 1, Y1, VFREE, VFREE, S + '-Nr.');
      Y2 := nBottom;
      WriteBox(nLeftMargin + 1, Y2, -1.5, -0.75, '');

      S := CourtName;
      RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, S);
      // TW := nRenderWidth;
      TH := nRenderHeight;
      Write(nLeftMargin + 1, Y2 + (0.75 / 2) - (TH / 2), -1.5, VFREE, '[N CE]' + S);
      PenSize := 0.03;

        PenSize := 0.01;
        Write(nLeftMargin + 5, Y1, VFREE, VFREE, 'Beginn');
        WriteBox(nLeftMargin + 5, nBottom, -4, -0.75, '');
        if StartTime > 0 then
        S := FormatDateTime(', hh:nn', StartTime) + ' Uhr'
        S := '';
        RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, S);
        TW := nRenderWidth;
        TH := nRenderHeight;
        Write(nLeftMargin + 5, Y2 + (0.75 / 2) - (TH / 2), -4, VFREE, '[N CE]' + S);
        PenSize := 0.03;

      Y1 := nBottom + 0.5;
      PenSize := 0.01;
      S := 'Spiel';
      RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, S);
      TW := nRenderWidth;
      // TH := nRenderHeight;
      Write(XC - (TW / 2), Y1, VFREE, VFREE, S);
      Y2 := nBottom;

      S := Self.GameName(False);
      RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, S);
      // TW := nRenderWidth;
      TH := nRenderHeight;
      Write(XC - 1, Y2 + (0.75 / 2) - (TH / 2), -2, VFREE, '[N CE]' + S);
      WriteBox(XC - 1, Y2, -2, -0.75, '');
      PenSize := 0.03;

      YGP := Y2;
      S := ':';
      RenderWrite(0, 0, VFREE, VFREE, S);
      TW := nRenderWidth;
      TH := nRenderHeight;
      C := GetMaxSetCount(Numerator);
      H := 5 / C;
      W := 2.25;
      if H > 2 then
        H := 2;
      for I := 0 to C - 1 do
          SP := GamePoints.SetPointsList.SetPoints(I);
          Y1 := nBottom + 0.2;
          S := ':';
          Write(XC - (TW / 2), Y1 + (H / 2) - (TH / 2), VFREE, VFREE, S);
          if Assigned(SP) then
            S := SP.SetPoint1.Text
            S := '';
          Write(XC - W - 0.25, Y1 + (H / 2) - (TH / 2), -W, -H, '[N CE]' + S);
          WriteBox(XC - W - 0.25, Y1, -W, -H, '');
          if Assigned(SP) then
            S := SP.SetPoint2.Text
            S := '';
          Write(XC + 0.25, Y1 + (H / 2) - (TH / 2), -W, -H, '[N CE]' + S);
          WriteBox(XC + 0.25, Y1, -W, -H, '');

      W := 6;
      PenSize := 0.01;
      WriteGameParty(nLeftMargin + 0.5, YGP, -W, -7, GamePartyContainer1.GameParty, False);
      WriteGameParty(nRightMargin - W - 0.5, YGP, -W, -7, GamePartyContainer2.GameParty, True);
      PenSize := 0.03;
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