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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: FireMonkey Sammelthread

  Alt 4. Mai 2013, 16:36
Eigentlich müssten nur "focused handler" und "change focus" getauscht werden.
Dann könnte man Key auf 0 setzen wenn man vkTab selbst behandeln will.

Wenn das in XE4 noch nicht geändert ist werde ich mal einen QC-Eintrag schreiben.
procedure TCommonCustomForm.KeyDown(var Key: Word; var KeyChar: System.WideChar; Shift: TShiftState);
  List: TInterfaceList;
  i, CurIdx: Integer;
  TabDirection : Integer;
  FocusObj: TFmxObject;
  Done: boolean;
  FocusPopup: TCustomPopupMenu;
  lIsDialog: boolean;
  NewFocus: IControl;
  procedure TraverseChildren(Container: TFmxObject);
  var I: integer;
    if (Container is TControl) and
       (not TControl(Container).Enabled) then Exit;
    for I := 0 to Container.ComponentCount - 1 do
      if (Container.Components[I] is TCustomActionList) and
         (TCustomActionList(Container.Components[I]).DialogKey(Key, Shift)) then
        Done := True;
    if (Container.ChildrenCount > 0) then
      for I := 0 to Container.ChildrenCount - 1 do
        if Done then
  procedure OtherForms(IsMain: boolean);
  var I, J: integer;
      F: TCommonCustomForm;
    if Done then Exit;
    for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
    if (Screen.Forms[I] <> self) and
       (Screen.Forms[I].Visible) and
       (IsMain xor (Screen.Forms[I] <> Application.MainForm)) then
      F := Screen.Forms[I];
      for J := F.ChildrenCount - 1 downto 0 do
        if F.Children[J] is TMainMenu then
          TMainMenu(F.Children[J]).DialogKey(Key, Shift);
        if Key = 0 then
          Done := True;
      if Done then Exit;
  { dialog key }
  FocusPopup := nil;
  lIsDialog := False;
  IsDialogKey(Key, KeyChar, Shift, lIsDialog);
    if lIsDialog then
      Done := False;
      // 1. perform key in Focus Control
      if Assigned(FFocused) then
        FFocused.DialogKey(Key, Shift);
        if Key = 0 then
        FocusObj := FFocused.GetObject;
        FocusObj := nil;
      // 2. perform key in PopupMenu of Focus Control
      if (FocusObj is TControl) then
        FocusPopup := TControl(FocusObj).PopupMenu;
        if FocusPopup is TPopupMenu then
          TPopupMenu(FocusPopup).DialogKey(Key, Shift);
          if Key = 0 then
          FocusPopup := nil;
      // 3. perform key in other Menus
      for i := ChildrenCount - 1 downto 0 do
      if Children[i] <> FocusPopup then
        if Children[i] is TMainMenu then
          TMainMenu(Children[i]).DialogKey(Key, Shift)
        else if Children[i] is TPopupMenu then
          TPopupMenu(Children[i]).DialogKey(Key, Shift);
        if Key = 0 then
      // 4. perform key in other, no focus controls
      for i := ChildrenCount - 1 downto 0 do
      if Children[i] <> FocusObj then
        if Children[i].IsIControl then
          Children[i].AsIControl.DialogKey(Key, Shift);
        if Key = 0 then
      // 5. perform key in all ActionLists in Childrens
      // 6. perform key in all main menus and ActionLists in other forms
      if Done then Exit;

    { change focus } // DANN DAS ******************************************************
    if (Key = vkTab) then
      NewFocus := nil;
      Key := 0;
      List := TInterfaceList.Create;
        GetTabOrderList(List, True);
        if ssShift in Shift then
          TabDirection := -1
          TabDirection := 1;

        CurIdx := List.IndexOf(FFocused);
        for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do
          Inc(CurIdx, TabDirection);
          if (TabDirection > 0) and (CurIdx >= List.Count) then
            CurIdx := 0
          if (TabDirection < 0) and (CurIdx < 0) then
            CurIdx := List.Count - 1;

          if IControl(List[CurIdx]).CheckForAllowFocus then
            NewFocus := IControl(List[CurIdx]);
      if Assigned(NewFocus) then

    { focused handler }  // ERST DAS *****************************************************
    if ((Key <> 0) or (KeyChar <> #0)) then
      if Assigned(FFocused) then
        FFocused.KeyDown(Key, KeyChar, Shift);
      if Assigned(FOnKeyDown) then
        FOnKeyDown(Self, Key, KeyChar, Shift);
    Application.FLastKeyPress := Now;
    Application.FLastUserActive := Application.FLastKeyPress;
"Jetzt muss ich seh´n, dass ich kein Denkfehler mach...!?" Dittsche (2004)
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