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Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2002
Ort: Berglen
2.385 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Wie sind Eure ersten Erfahrungen mit Delphi XE4?

  Alt 30. Apr 2013, 09:52

ich habe es noch nicht installiert, weil ich auf einen neuen Rechner warte, aber das hier möchte ich bei all den negativen Nachrichten dann doch los werden:


I thought it might be interesting to some to know that I used XE4 to help my team win this: http://cajuncodefest.org/. The ability to quickly develop an IOS native app and iterate through versions as we thought of new features is what made it all work. The competition is 28 hours of straight coding. The IOS client was just a piece of the solution, but because of XE4 it was one of the easier parts to get up and running in such a short time. We won the "Entrepreneurial award" for most market ready idea. The Microsoft guys like it so much they offered to help us get into clinical trials. So there you go $5,000.00 prize and a bunch of stuff all because XE4 was in the mix and helped us get it done fast and looking great. Screen shot of one piece of the app included.

also doch ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels?
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