Thema: Delphi Folder creation datetime

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Volker Z.

Registriert seit: 4. Dez 2012
Ort: Augsburg, Bayern, Süddeutschland
419 Beiträge
Delphi XE4 Ultimate

AW: Folder creation datetime

  Alt 27. Mär 2013, 03:37

maybe the following code could be some help for you - feel free to use it, if you like
  TFileTime = (ftAccess, ftCreated, ftWrite);

function GetFileDateTime (const Filename : string; const Filetime : TFileTime) : TDateTime;
  f : TSearchRec;
  t : _FILETIME;
  d : Integer;

  function GetTimeDiff : Integer;
    t0, t1 : _SYSTEMTIME;
    GetLocalTime (t0);
    GetSystemTime (t1);

    Result := t0.wHour - t1.wHour;

  Result := 0;

    if FindFirst (Filename, faAnyFile, f) <> 0 then
      raise Exception.Create ('File ' + Filename + ' not found');

    case Filetime of
      ftAccess : t := f.FindData.ftLastAccessTime;
      ftCreated : t := f.FindData.ftCreationTime;
      ftWrite : t := f.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
        raise Exception.Create ('Invalid type of file time')

    if not FileTimeToSystemTime (t, s) then
      raise Exception.Create ('Could not convert file time to system time format');

    d := GetTimeDiff;
    with s do
      Result := EncodeDate (wYear, wMonth, wDay) + EncodeTime (wHour + d, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds);

    Result := Result
    FindClose (f)
A call like
ShowMessage (FormatDateTime ('dddd, d. mmmm yyyy hh:nn:ss', GetFileDateTime ('any file or folder you address here', ftCreated))) should produce a message box showing the files / folders creation date.

Have a nice day
Volker Zeller
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