Registriert seit: 25. Feb 2005 Ort: Kassel 65 Beiträge Delphi 7 Professional |
Was unter XP tadellos funktionierte das streikt nun unter Vista. Ich möchte aus meinem Programm heraus auch unter Vista einen Usb-Stick sicher entfernen. Hierzu habe ich auch alle Laufwerke in einer Listbox inkl. Instanz als Object basieren auf irgendnem Code den ich mal irgendwo gefunden habe. Bem.nicht schön aber funktionier ![]()
Den restlichen Programmcode hab ich mal hier gepostet
function TaForm.SaveRemoveDrive(Drive: Char): Boolean;
var S: string; idx, it, I: Integer; Inst: DEVINST; SymbolicName: string; VetoType: PNP_VETO_TYPE; //VetoBuffer: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of TCHAR; begin Result := False; idx := -1; // update the list of drive mount points FillInRemovableDriveMountPoints(DriveMountPoints); // show the list of drive letters from the drive mount point list DriveList.Items.BeginUpdate; DriveList.Items.Clear; S := 'A:'; for I := 0 to DriveMountPoints.Count - 1 do begin S[1] := Char(DriveMountPoints.Objects[I]); GetDriveInstanceID(DriveMountPoints[I], Inst); SymbolicName := GetSymbolicName(Inst); it := DriveList.Items.AddObject(S + ' ' + ExtractSerialNumber(SymbolicName), TObject(Inst)); if UpperCase(S[1]) = UpperCase(Drive) then begin idx := it; end; end; DriveList.Items.EndUpdate; if idx > -1 then // find the mount point name for the drive letter clicked for I := 0 to DriveMountPoints.Count - 1 do begin if Char(DriveMountPoints.Objects[I]) = DriveList.Items[idx][1] then begin VetoType := 0; // try to do a silent safe removal // for drives not able to do a safe removal the function simply fails // FillChar(VetoBuffer[0], SizeOf(VetoBuffer), 0); // CM_Request_Device_Eject(DEVINST(DriveList.Items.Objects[I]), // @VetoType, @VetoBuffer[0], Length(VetoBuffer), 0); // do a safe removal with dialog CM_Request_Device_Eject(DEVINST(DriveList.Items.Objects[idx]), @VetoType, nil, 0, 0); Result := True; end; end; end;
Da dies nicht unter Vista funktioniert, bzw. einfach gar nichts tut hab ich recherchiert und nur bei MS gefunden das unter Vista man die Privilegien haben muss, also hab ichs noch damit versucht den CM_Request_Device_Eject wie folgt abzuändern:
JwaWinBase, JwaWinType, Cfg, CfgMgr32, SetupApi, mySysUtils; {$R *.dfm} // encapsulate GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint in a Delphi-style function function GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointString(Name: string): string; var Volume: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin FillChar(Volume[0], SizeOf(Volume), 0); GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(PChar(Name), @Volume[0], SizeOf(Volume)); Result := Volume; end; // fills the TStringList with the mount points of all removable drives procedure FillInRemovableDriveMountPoints(MountPoints: TStrings); const MAX_DRIVES = 26; var I: Integer; dwDriveMask: DWORD; DriveName: string; begin MountPoints.Clear; // get all mounted drive letters as bitmask dwDriveMask := GetLogicalDrives; DriveName := 'A:\'; // check all drive letters for I := 0 to MAX_DRIVES - 1 do // if drive letter exists if (dwDriveMask and (1 shl I)) <> 0 then begin DriveName[1] := 'A'; Inc(DriveName[1], I); // see if it is a removable drive if GetDriveType(PChar(DriveName)) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then // store mount point string and corresponding drive letter in list MountPoints.AddObject(GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointString(DriveName), TObject(DriveName[1])); end; end; // Delphi style encapsulation for CM_Get_Device_ID function GetDeviceID(Inst: DEVINST): string; var Buffer: PTSTR; Size: ULONG; begin CM_Get_Device_ID_Size(Size, Inst, 0); // Required! See DDK help for CM_Get_Device_ID Inc(Size); Buffer := AllocMem(Size * SizeOf(TCHAR)); CM_Get_Device_ID(Inst, Buffer, Size, 0); Result := Buffer; FreeMem(Buffer); end; // simple extraction of the bus name from DeviceID string function ExtractBus(DeviceID: string): string; begin Result := Copy(DeviceID, 1, Pos('\', DeviceID) - 1); end; // get the "SymbolicName" registry entry of a device // for an USB device this string contains VID, PID and SerialNumber string function GetSymbolicName(Inst: DEVINST): string; var Len: DWORD; Key: HKEY; // a hopefully sufficiently large buffer Buffer: array [0..4095] of Char; begin CM_Open_DevNode_Key(Inst, KEY_READ, 0, REGDISPOSITION(RegDisposition_OpenExisting), Key, 0); Buffer[0] := #0; if Key <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin Len := SizeOf(Buffer); RegQueryValueEx(Key, 'SymbolicName', nil, nil, @Buffer[0], @Len); RegCloseKey(Key); end; Result := Buffer; end; // extract a 4 digit hex number from SymbolicName // example "\??\USB#Vid_08ec&Pid_0010#0918121014000B59#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}" function ExtractNum(const SymbolicName, Prefix: string): Integer; var S: string; N: Integer; begin S := LowerCase(SymbolicName); N := Pos(Prefix, S); if N > 0 then begin S := '$' + Copy(SymbolicName, N + Length(Prefix), 4); Result := StrToInt(S); end else Result := 0; end; function ExtractVID(const SymbolicName: string): Integer; begin Result := ExtractNum(SymbolicName, 'vid_'); end; function ExtractPID(const SymbolicName: string): Integer; begin Result := ExtractNum(SymbolicName, 'pid_'); end; function ExtractSerialNumber(SymbolicName: string): string; var N: Integer; begin N := Pos('#', SymbolicName); if N >= 0 then begin SymbolicName := Copy(SymbolicName, N + 1, Length(SymbolicName)); N := Pos('#', SymbolicName); if N >= 0 then begin SymbolicName := Copy(SymbolicName, N + 1, Length(SymbolicName)); N := Pos('#', SymbolicName); if N >= 0 then Result := Copy(SymbolicName, 1, N - 1) else Result := ''; end; end else Result := ''; end; // find the "bus" DeviceID for a given mount point function GetDriveInstanceID(MountPointName: string; var DeviceInst: DEVINST): Boolean; const GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME: TGUID = '{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}'; var StorageGUID: TGUID; PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; DevData: TSPDevInfoData; DeviceInterfaceData: TSPDeviceInterfaceData; FunctionClassDeviceData: PSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData; Success: LongBool; Devn: Integer; BytesReturned: DWORD; Inst: DEVINST; S, FileName, MountName, DevID: string; begin Result := False; DeviceInst := 0; // enumerate all volumes StorageGUID := GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME; PnPHandle := SetupDiGetClassDevs(@StorageGUID, nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if PnPHandle = Pointer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Exit; Devn := 0; repeat DeviceInterfaceData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceData); Success := SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(PnPHandle, nil, StorageGUID, Devn, DeviceInterfaceData); if Success then begin DevData.cbSize := SizeOf(DevData); BytesReturned := 0; SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(PnPHandle, @DeviceInterfaceData, nil, 0, BytesReturned, @DevData); if (BytesReturned <> 0) and (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then begin FunctionClassDeviceData := AllocMem(BytesReturned); try FunctionClassDeviceData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData); if SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(PnPHandle, @DeviceInterfaceData, FunctionClassDeviceData, BytesReturned, BytesReturned, @DevData) then begin FileName := PTSTR(@FunctionClassDeviceData.DevicePath[0]); // get the grandparent DevNode which is the "bus" device // like "USB". This is the DevNode for CM_Request_Device_Eject and // several other useful operations Inst := DevData.DevInst; CM_Get_Parent(Inst, Inst, 0); CM_Get_Parent(Inst, Inst, 0); DevID := GetDeviceID(Inst); // no need in this example to check for USB only // if ExtractBus(DevID) = 'USB' then begin S := '\'; S := PTSTR(@FunctionClassDeviceData.DevicePath) + S; MountName := GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointString(S); if MountName = MountPointName then begin DeviceInst := Inst; Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; finally FreeMem(FunctionClassDeviceData); end; end; end; Inc(Devn); until not Success; SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(PnPHandle); end; //============================================================================ procedure TaForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i : Integer; begin // never forget to load the dynamically linked APIs LoadSetupApi; LoadConfigManagerApi; DriveMountPoints := TStringList.Create; DriveMountPoints.Sorted := True; // initialize drive list if ParamCount > 0 then begin for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin if (Pos('DRIVEREMOVE:', UpperCase(ParamStr(i))) > 0) and (ParamStr(i)[length(ParamStr(i))] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then begin if not SaveRemoveDrive(ParamStr(i)[length(ParamStr(i))]) then begin end; end; end; end; PostMessage(Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end; procedure TaForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin DriveMountPoints.Free; UnloadConfigManagerApi; UnloadSetupApi; end;
Die SetPrivilege Funktion hier:
SetPrivilege('SeUndockPrivilege', true);
CM_Request_Device_Eject(DEVINST(DriveList.Items.Objects[idx]), @VetoType, nil, 0, CM_REMOVE_NO_RESTART); SetPrivilege('SeUndockPrivilege', False);
Funktioniert nicht, wer kann hier auf die Sprünge helfen nachdem ich alle gefundenen Quellen schon nach Lösungen durchforstet habe.
function SetPrivilege(privilegeName: string; enable: boolean): boolean;
var tpPrev, tp : TTokenPrivileges; token : THandle; dwRetLen : DWord; begin result := False; OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, token); tp.PrivilegeCount := 1; if LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, pchar(privilegeName), tp.Privileges[0].LUID) then begin if enable then tp.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else tp.Privileges[0].Attributes := 0; dwRetLen := 0; result := AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, False, tp, SizeOf(tpPrev), tpPrev, dwRetLen); end; CloseHandle(token); end;
Grüße aus Kassel.
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