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Ort: Mannheim
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: TLine - Canvas an Line ausrichten

  Alt 6. Mär 2013, 19:55
Ja, das ist klar (Siehe OffSet1 und OffSet2). Typen hab ich auch schon (hab ich in der Paint jetzt weggelassen).
  TLineStyle = (lsTop, lsBottom, lsLeft, lsRight,
    lsTopLeft, lsTopRight, lsBottomLeft, lsBottomRight,
    lsTopLeftBottomRight, lsTopRightBottomLeft);

procedure TLine.Paint;
  X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer;
  with Canvas do
    Pen := FPen;
    X1 := 0;
    Y1 := 0;
    X2 := Width;
    Y2 := Height;
    if X2 < 0 then
      Dec(X1, OffSet2);
      Inc(X2, OffSet1);
      Inc(X1, OffSet1);
      Dec(X2, OffSet2);
    if Y2 < 0 then
      Dec(Y1, OffSet2);
      Inc(Y2, OffSet1);
      Inc(Y1, OffSet1);
      Dec(Y2, OffSet2);
    case FStyle of
      lsTop, lsLeft, lsTopRight, lsBottomLeft, lsTopLeftBottomRight:
        MoveTo(X1, Y1);
      lsRight, lsTopLeft, lsBottomRight, lsTopRightBottomLeft:
        MoveTo(X2, Y1);
        MoveTo(X1, Y2);
    case FStyle of
        LineTo(X1, Y1);
        LineTo(X2, Y1);
        LineTo(X1, Y2);
        LineTo(X2, Y2);
    case FStyle of
        LineTo(X2, Y1);
      lsLeft, lsTopLeft, lsBottomRight, lsTopRightBottomLeft:
        LineTo(X1, Y2);
      lsBottom, lsRight, lsTopRight, lsBottomLeft, lsTopLeftBottomRight:
        LineTo(X2, Y2);
Das Problem ist aber ein anderes. Ich mu0 hier genau zeichen. Ich will ja eine Line von z.B. P1 nach P2 haben und nicht von P1 + Offset nach P2 - Offset?
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