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Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstützung

Ein Thema von toms · begonnen am 11. Sep 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 11. Sep 2008
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Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstützung

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 14:55
Zu Eurer Information: Es gibt ein VST Update.

Virtual Treeview update to version 4.7.0

Written by Mike Lischke
Sunday, 24 August 2008

I'm pleased to announce a new update of the popular Virtual Treeview control. Version 4.7.0 replaces the old 4.5.2 package. Thanks to Daniel Bauten and Jim Kueneman, as well as other helpers, Virtual Treeview is now ready for the latest Delphi version, including proper handling of the new Unicode strings.
It has been a long time since the last update but while I'm rather busy with other stuff others have taken care and sent me patches or got direkt write access to the main VT repository to directly commit their changes. Even if the Fisheye server (the web interface to my SVN repositories) is usually down (due to its system resource consumption) you can always get the latest source code and a nice development history by using one of the free SVN clients (e.g. TortoiseSVN for Windows, SmartSVN for Mac OSX/Linux) with the address svn://

Virtual Treeview Windows distribution
Main package containing the Windows source code, chm help and demo application sources.
Version: 4.7.0 Last change: 24. Aug 2008
Platform: Delphi 4-7, 2005, 2007, BCB 4-6, BDS 2006-2009
Type of download: Delphi source + demo + help


// August 2008
// - Improvement: redesigned and overloaded TBaseVirtualTree.ScrollIntoView in order to use vertical scrolling
// separately
// - Improvement: optimized TBaseVirtualTree.ScrollIntoView for horizontal scrolling
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.WMKeyDown column navigation for VK_PRIOR and VK_NEXT is now handled in same way
// as row navigation
// - Improvement: new TVTHeaderOption hoDisableAnimatedResize to disable animated resize for all columns
// - Improvement: new TVTColumnOption coDisableAnimatedResize to disable animated resize for a specific column
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.UpdateHorizontalScrollBar and TBaseVirtualTree.UpdateVerticalScrollBar scrollbar
// updates now avoided for tsUpdating in FStates
// July 2008
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.WMHScroll the horizontal page scrolling now considers fixed columns
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.ScrollIntoView the case of FFocusedColumn being invalid is considered
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.HandleMouseDown DoFocusNode is not called if node focus did not change
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.SetFocusedColumn the focused node will only be invalidate if it was actually
// scrolled into view
// - Improvement: new TVTColumnOption coAllowFocus to affect column focus behaviour
// - Improvement: new function TVTHeader.AllowFocus to check wether a column can be focused
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.SetFocusedColumn the old colunm and the new column are both invalidated
// - Improvement: merged latest changes from Jim into current code base.
// June 2008
// - Improvement: new property TVirtualTreeColumns.Count
// - Bug fix: in TVirtualTreeColumns.AnimatedResize the column is validated (to avoid "List index out of bounds")
// - Improvement: the content retangle of the cell can be modified via the OnBeforeCellPaint event, the cell paint
// mode indicates wether OnBeforeCellPaint is called for painting the cell or just for getting the
// cell content margin
// - Improvement: new functions added: TBaseVirtualTree.DoGetCellContentMargins,
// TCustomVirtualDrawTree.DoGetCellContentMargin
// - Improvement: new property: TCustomVirtualDrawTree.OnGetCellContentMargin
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.GetMaxColumnWidth the cell content margin is considered
// - Improvement: in TBaseVirtualTree.CMHintShow the cell content margin is considered for singleline tooltips
// - Improvement: new function added: TVTHeader.DoGetPopupMenu (to query the application via TreeView.FOnGetPopupMenu
// for a column specific header popup menu)
// - Improvement: new property added: TBaseVirtualTree.OnCanSplitterResizeColumn,
// new function added: TVirtualTreeColumns.GetScrollWidth
// - Improvement: horizontal page scrolling now uses the average column width (of all visible, non-fixed columns) as
// scroll amount
// - Improvement: procedure TBaseVirtualTree.CMMouseWheel redesigned
// - Bug fix: TVTHeader.DetermineSplitterIndex works correctly even when using fixed columns
// - Bug fix: on right-to-left BiDiMode TVirtualTreeColumns.PaintHeader respects (left) scroll bar correctly
// - Bug fix: for multiline tooltips also the column width is checked to determine the tooltip is needed or
// unnecessary
// - Improvement: the result value of GetUseSmartColumnWidth is initialized correctly
// - Improvement: added hoFullRepaintOnResize to TVTHeaderOption to enable full header repainting (instead of
// repainting all subsequent columns only) on resizing a column
// - Bug fix: horizontal page scrolling via mouse wheel now works correctly, i.e. in TBaseVirtualTree.CMMouseWheel
// ScrollCount includes GetVisibleFixedWidth and FIndent
// - Improvement: new TVTColumnOption coSmartResize to avoid contradicting the virtual paradigm
// - Improvement: horizontal scrolling via mouse wheel can be forced by holding the shift key
// - Improvement: new parameter for function TBaseVirtualTree.GetMaxColumnWidth added: UseSmartColumnWidth (to
// avoid contradicting the virtual paradigm, i.e. leave nodes out of consideration which are not in
// view)
// - Improvement: new parameters for TVTHeader.AutoFitColumns added: SmartAutoFitType, RangeStartCol and
// RangeEndCol
// - Improvement: new parameters for events FOnAfterAutoFitColumns, FOnBeforeAutoFitColumns, FOnAfterGetMaxColumnWidth
// and FOnBeforeGetMaxColumnWidth added
// - Version is now 4.6.0
// May 2008
// - Improvement: new properties: FOnAfterAutoFitColumns, FOnBeforeAutoFitColumns, FOnAfterGetMaxColumnWidth and
// FOnBeforeGetMaxColumnWidth
// - Bug fix: FDropTargetNode is considered in TBaseVirtualTree.DoFreeNode
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Registriert seit: 9. Jun 2003
Ort: Pforzheim
2.458 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 15:01
Hui, habs zar auf seiner Seite gelesen gehabt, mir aber nicht den Changelog angesehen, dachte es wäre lediglich für D2009 angepasst worden.
Christian Bootz
Einstein ist tot, Newton ist tot,
und mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht...
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
39.869 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 15:02
Seit langen Mal wieder eine Update
Markus Kinzler
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Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 15:11
Zitat von MrKnogge:
Hui, habs zar auf seiner Seite gelesen gehabt, mir aber nicht den Changelog angesehen, dachte es wäre lediglich für D2009 angepasst worden.
Die Virtual Treeview history
wurde noch nicht aktualisiert.

Einen Changelog habe ich dann direkt in der Unit VirtualTrees.pas gefunden.
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Registriert seit: 4. Feb 2006
Ort: Hamburg
1.296 Beiträge
Turbo C++

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 15:57
Zitat von mkinzler:
Seit langen Mal wieder eine Update
Stimmt das? Ich meine, es gab im SVN immer mal wieder Updates nach 4.5.2...

Danke für die Info, wobei die 4.7.0 bei mir schon länger läuft 8)

Gruß Assertor
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Benutzerbild von toms

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 16:05
Zitat von Assertor:
Zitat von mkinzler:
Seit langen Mal wieder eine Update
Stimmt das? Ich meine, es gab im SVN immer mal wieder Updates nach 4.5.2...
Im SVN schon jedoch ist V. 4.7.0 ein "offizielles" Update, welches nun direkt auf der Webseite zum Download bereit steht.
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Registriert seit: 4. Feb 2006
Ort: Hamburg
1.296 Beiträge
Turbo C++

Re: Ann: VST Update August 2008 - V. 4.7.0 - D2009 Unterstüt

  Alt 11. Sep 2008, 16:07
Hi Toms,

Zitat von toms:
Im SVN schon jedoch ist V. 4.7.0 ein "offizielles" Update, welches nun direkt auf der Webseite zum Download bereit steht.
So gesehen, hast Du natürlich recht.

Gruß Assertor
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