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CutePDF with programmatic access in Delphi 7 under VMWare

Ein Thema von wschrabi · begonnen am 4. Sep 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Sep 2008
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2005
448 Beiträge

CutePDF with programmatic access in Delphi 7 under VMWare

  Alt 4. Sep 2008, 21:23
Hi experts,

Sorry that I write in English, but I think so I can ask also the english speaking community too:

we bought CutePDF Writer with programatic access and I wrote a Delphi 7 Program that prints 2 A4 PDF Pages.
That works fine.

BUT: When I let the program run under VMWare Workstaion 6.0.5 then the PDF is not in color but only black/white.
IN my Delphi program there can not be the bug, so I ask you what can I do that I can get the PDFs in color again.

Maybe I have to change the Stack Size or/and the Image Baseaddress in the Linker Options in Delphi 7?

I have no idears what I could do. Please give my some advice, thanks a lot.
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Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2005
448 Beiträge

Re: CutePDF with programmatic access in Delphi 7 under VMWar

  Alt 6. Sep 2008, 09:49
I have found a workaround.
After I put the printer in colormode, it prints even under VMWare in color.

see: Workaround printing in color
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