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Benutzerbild von uligerhardt

Registriert seit: 19. Aug 2004
Ort: Hof/Saale
1.747 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: Ich bitte um euer aller Mithilfe (Pflege meiner Windows-Versionsliste)

  Alt 9. Jan 2013, 18:30
Meine möglicherweise-N Windows 8 liefert das:
Identified Product: Unable to identify this Platform
Identified Product ID: $00000067 (103)
64 Bit OS: YES
VersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize: $0000009C (156)
VersionInfoEx.dwMajorVersion: $00000006 (6)
VersionInfoEx.dwMinorVersion: $00000002 (2)
VersionInfoEx.dwBuildNumber: $000023F0 (9200)
VersionInfoEx.dwPlatformId: $00000002 (2)
VersionInfoEx.wServicePackMajor: $0000 (0)
VersionInfoEx.wServicePackMinor: $0000 (0)
VersionInfoEx.wSuiteMask: $0100 (256)
VersionInfoEx.wProductType: $01 (1)
VersionInfoEx.wReserved: $00 (0)
SystemInfo.dwOemId: $00000000 (0)
SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture: $0000 (0)
SystemInfo.wReserved: $0000 (0)
SystemInfo.dwPageSize: $00001000 (4096)
SystemInfo.dwActiveProcessorMask: $00000003 (3)
SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors: $00000002 (2)
SystemInfo.dwProcessorType: $0000024A (586)
SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity: $00010000 (65536)
SystemInfo.wProcessorLevel: $0000000F (15)
SystemInfo.wProcessorRevision: $00006B02 (27394)
Selbst meint das System, es wäre "Windows 8 Pro with Media Center".
Uli Gerhardt
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