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AW: Advanced Encryption Standard 128 bit Eigenimplementierung - key schedule

  Alt 29. Dez 2012, 22:01
Könnte jemand testvektoren für aes 128 (text,key,chiffre) zur überprüfung angeben?

ich habe jetzt den algorithmus in zwei unterschiedlichen programmen(einmal gesondert in einer unit, und einmal mit anderen algorithmen zusammen) und habe bei beiden differente ausgaben.

kann es an der klassendefinition und den jeweiligen zugriffsrechten zusammenhängen?

hier sind zwei ausgabebeispiele bei gleichem input:

BenutzerSchlüssel: test01af5
Eingabe: Testvektor
Ausgabe 1: cLffabrarTFxNvtjTNYDHG (base64)
Ausgabe 2: dnwm0e+gYhWhRaVn1X2GX0 (~)

anbei der quelltext für ausgabe 1

Unit Mainprogram;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics,
  Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Crypto, ExtCtrls,Advanced_Encryption_Standard;


  TForm1 = Class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Memo1: TMemo;
    LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit;
    Button2: TButton;
    Procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    Procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);


    { Public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;
  Aes: Taes;
  Data: Tdata; //datenverarbeitung und ausgabe


{$R *.dfm}

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Text, Key: String;

  Text := Memo1.Text;

  Key := Labelededit1.Text;
  Text := Aes.Aes_text(Text, Key, Aes.Keysize128, 0);
  Text := Data.Base64(Text, 0); // Text := Data.Str_tohex(Text, Length(Text));
  Memo1.Text := Text;

Procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  Text, Key: String;

  Text := Memo1.Text;
  Key := Labelededit1.Text;
  // Text := Data.Str_fromhex(Text);
  Text := Data.Base64(Text, 1);
  Text := Aes.Aes_text(Text, Key, Aes.Keysize128, 1);
  Memo1.Text := Text;


Data := Tdata.Create;
Aes := Taes.Create;




Unit Advanced_Encryption_Standard;



  Messages, SysUtils, Classes, StdCtrls;

  // 128 bit /16 byte /4*4 blocks for 128 bit key
  Trow = Array [1 .. 4] Of Byte;
  Tcolumn = Array [1 .. 4] Of Byte;
  Tstate = Array [1 .. 4] Of Trow;
  Tword = Array [1 .. 4] Of Byte;
  Tinput = Array [1 .. 16] Of Byte; //to fill a custom state

  { expanded key arrays
    128 bit input block =>176 bytes=>11 16 byte blocks
    192 bit input block=>208 bytes=> 8 24 byte bocks
    256 bit input block=>240 bytes=> 7 32 byte blocks }

  Tkey128 = Array [1 .. 176] Of Byte;
  Tkey192 = Array [1 .. 208] Of Byte;
  Tkey256 = Array [1 .. 240] Of Byte;

  Tsubkeys128 = Array [1 .. 11] Of Tstate;

  //counters i,j:=1<= 4
  Taes = Class
    // Public
    Testroundkey: Tstate;
    //for initalization keyschedule test
    Testexpandedkey128: Tkey128;
    Testcount: Integer;

    Keysize128 = 128;
    Keysize192 = 192;
    Keysize256 = 256;

    Function Aes_text(Var Text, Key: String; Bitlen: Integer; Mode: Byte): String;


    Mixcolstate: Tstate;
    Mixcolinvstate: Tstate;
    Expandedkey128: Tkey128;
    Expandedkey192: Tkey192;
    Expandedkey256: Tkey256;
    Keys: Array Of String;


    Teststatearray: Tinput = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16);

    Sbox: Array [0 .. 255] Of Byte =

    // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
      ($63, $7C, $77, $7B, $F2, $6B, $6F, $C5, $30, $01, $67, $2B, $FE, $D7, $AB, $76, //0
      $CA, $82, $C9, $7D, $FA, $59, $47, $F0, $AD, $D4, $A2, $AF, $9C, $A4, $72, $C0, //1
      $B7, $FD, $93, $26, $36, $3F, $F7, $CC, $34, $A5, $E5, $F1, $71, $D8, $31, $15, //2
      $04, $C7, $23, $C3, $18, $96, $05, $9A, $07, $12, $80, $E2, $EB, $27, $B2, $75, //3
      $09, $83, $2C, $1A, $1B, $6E, $5A, $A0, $52, $3B, $D6, $B3, $29, $E3, $2F, $84, //4
      $53, $D1, $00, $ED, $20, $FC, $B1, $5B, $6A, $CB, $BE, $39, $4A, $4C, $58, $CF, //5
      $D0, $EF, $AA, $FB, $43, $4D, $33, $85, $45, $F9, $02, $7F, $50, $3C, $9F, $A8, //6
      $51, $A3, $40, $8F, $92, $9D, $38, $F5, $BC, $B6, $DA, $21, $10, $FF, $F3, $D2, //7
      $CD, $0C, $13, $EC, $5F, $97, $44, $17, $C4, $A7, $7E, $3D, $64, $5D, $19, $73, //8
      $60, $81, $4F, $DC, $22, $2A, $90, $88, $46, $EE, $B8, $14, $DE, $5E, $0B, $DB, //9
      $E0, $32, $3A, $0A, $49, $06, $24, $5C, $C2, $D3, $AC, $62, $91, $95, $E4, $79, //A
      $E7, $C8, $37, $6D, $8D, $D5, $4E, $A9, $6C, $56, $F4, $EA, $65, $7A, $AE, $08, //B
      $BA, $78, $25, $2E, $1C, $A6, $B4, $C6, $E8, $DD, $74, $1F, $4B, $BD, $8B, $8A, //C
      $70, $3E, $B5, $66, $48, $03, $F6, $0E, $61, $35, $57, $B9, $86, $C1, $1D, $9E, //D
      $E1, $F8, $98, $11, $69, $D9, $8E, $94, $9B, $1E, $87, $E9, $CE, $55, $28, $DF, //E
      $8C, $A1, $89, $0D, $BF, $E6, $42, $68, $41, $99, $2D, $0F, $B0, $54, $BB, $16); //F

    Invsbox: Array [0 .. 255] Of Byte =
    // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
      ($52, $09, $6A, $D5, $30, $36, $A5, $38, $BF, $40, $A3, $9E, $81, $F3, $D7, $FB, //0
      $7C, $E3, $39, $82, $9B, $2F, $FF, $87, $34, $8E, $43, $44, $C4, $DE, $E9, $CB, //1
      $54, $7B, $94, $32, $A6, $C2, $23, $3D, $EE, $4C, $95, $0B, $42, $FA, $C3, $4E, //2
      $08, $2E, $A1, $66, $28, $D9, $24, $B2, $76, $5B, $A2, $49, $6D, $8B, $D1, $25, //3
      $72, $F8, $F6, $64, $86, $68, $98, $16, $D4, $A4, $5C, $CC, $5D, $65, $B6, $92, //4
      $6C, $70, $48, $50, $FD, $ED, $B9, $DA, $5E, $15, $46, $57, $A7, $8D, $9D, $84, //5
      $90, $D8, $AB, $00, $8C, $BC, $D3, $0A, $F7, $E4, $58, $05, $B8, $B3, $45, $06, //6
      $D0, $2C, $1E, $8F, $CA, $3F, $0F, $02, $C1, $AF, $BD, $03, $01, $13, $8A, $6B, //7
      $3A, $91, $11, $41, $4F, $67, $DC, $EA, $97, $F2, $CF, $CE, $F0, $B4, $E6, $73, //8
      $96, $AC, $74, $22, $E7, $AD, $35, $85, $E2, $F9, $37, $E8, $1C, $75, $DF, $6E, //9
      $47, $F1, $1A, $71, $1D, $29, $C5, $89, $6F, $B7, $62, $0E, $AA, $18, $BE, $1B, //A
      $FC, $56, $3E, $4B, $C6, $D2, $79, $20, $9A, $DB, $C0, $FE, $78, $CD, $5A, $F4, //B
      $1F, $DD, $A8, $33, $88, $07, $C7, $31, $B1, $12, $10, $59, $27, $80, $EC, $5F, //C
      $60, $51, $7F, $A9, $19, $B5, $4A, $0D, $2D, $E5, $7A, $9F, $93, $C9, $9C, $EF, //D
      $A0, $E0, $3B, $4D, $AE, $2A, $F5, $B0, $C8, $EB, $BB, $3C, $83, $53, $99, $61, //E
      $17, $2B, $04, $7E, $BA, $77, $D6, $26, $E1, $69, $14, $63, $55, $21, $0C, $7D); //F

    Procedure Aes128_Keyschedule_test(Var Keys: Array Of String);

    Procedure Keyschedule_core(Var Word: Tword; Iteration: Integer; Mode: Byte);
    Function Multcolumn(Column: Tcolumn; Mode: Byte): Tcolumn;
    Function Galois_mult(A, B: Byte): Byte; //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijndael_mix_columns
    Procedure Shiftrows(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte);
    Procedure Rotate(Var Value: Tword; Mode: Byte); // rotate(1d 2c 3a 4f) = 2c 3a 4f 1d
    Procedure AddRoundKey(Var State: Tstate; Roundkey: Tstate);
    Function Getsboxvalue(Index: Byte): Byte;
    Function Getinvsboxvalue(Index: Byte): Byte;
    Function Rcon(Index: Byte): Integer;
    Function Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey128): Byte; Overload;
    //result=number of rounds
    Function Generatesubkeys(Expandedkey: Tkey128): Tsubkeys128;
    Function Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey192): Byte; Overload;
    //result=number of rounds
    Function Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey256): Byte; Overload;
    //result=number of rounds

    Procedure Mixcolumns(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte);
    Procedure Subbytes(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte); Overload;
    Procedure Subbytes(Var Word: Tword)Overload;
    Procedure Showstate(State: Tstate; Memo: Tmemo);
    Function Texttostate(Substr: String): Tstate;
    Function Texttokey(Key: String): Tinput;
    Function Keytostate(Data: Tinput): Tstate;
    Function Statetotext(State: Tstate): String;
    Procedure Aes(Roundcount: Byte; Var State: Tstate; Keys: Tsubkeys128; Mode: Byte);



{ src: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijndael_mix_columns: A c# example
  Multiplication in Rijndael's galois field is a little more complicated. The procedure is as follows:

  * Take two eight-bit numbers, a and b, and an eight-bit product p
  * Set the product to zero.
  * Make a copy of a and b, which we will simply call a and b in the rest of this algorithm
  * Run the following loop eight times:
  1. If the low bit of b is set, exclusive or the product p by the value of a
  2. Keep track of whether the high (eighth from left) bit of a is set to one
  3. Rotate a one bit to the left, discarding the high bit, and making the low bit have a value of zero
  4. If a's hi bit had a value of one prior to this rotation, exclusive or a with the hexadecimal number 0x1b
  5. Rotate b one bit to the right, discarding the low bit, and making the high (eighth from left) bit have a value of zero.
  6. The product p now has the product of a and b

  The Key Schedule is responsible for expanding a short key into a larger key,
  whose parts are used during the different iterations. Each key size is expanded
  to a different size:

  An 128 bit key is expanded to an 176 byte key.
  An 192 bit key is expanded to an 208 byte key.
  An 256 bit key is expanded to an 240 byte key.

  There is a relation between the cipher key size,
  the number of rounds and the ExpandedKey size.
  For an 128-bit key, there is one initial AddRoundKey operation
  plus there are 10 rounds and each rounds need a new 16 byte key,
  therefor we require 10+1 RoundKeys of 16 byte, which equals 176 byte.
  The same logic can be applied to the two other cipher key sizes.
  The general formula is that: ExpandedKeySize = (nbrRounds+1) * BlockSize

Procedure Taes.Aes128_Keyschedule_test(Var Keys: Array Of String);
  I, J, K: Integer;
  Aes128: Array Of Tkey128;
  Setlength(Aes128, Length(Keys));
  J := 0;
  While J < 3 Do
    Keys[J] := '';
    I := 1;
    While I <= 16 Do
      Case J Of
          Keys[J] := Keys[J] + Chr(0);
          should be:
          00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          62 63 63 63 62 63 63 63 62 63 63 63 62 63 63 63
          9B 98 98 C9 F9 FB FB AA 9B 98 98 C9 F9 FB FB AA
          90 97 34 50 69 6C CF FA F2 F4 57 33 0B 0F AC 99
          EE 06 DA 7B 87 6A 15 81 75 9E 42 B2 7E 91 EE 2B
          7F 2E 2B 88 F8 44 3E 09 8D DA 7C BB F3 4B 92 90
          EC 61 4B 85 14 25 75 8C 99 FF 09 37 6A B4 9B A7
          21 75 17 87 35 50 62 0B AC AF 6B 3C C6 1B F0 9B
          0E F9 03 33 3B A9 61 38 97 06 0A 04 51 1D FA 9F
          B1 D4 D8 E2 8A 7D B9 DA 1D 7B B3 DE 4C 66 49 41
          B4 EF 5B CB 3E 92 E2 11 23 E9 51 CF 6F 8F 18 8E

          Keys[J] := Keys[J] + Chr(Strtoint('$FF'));
          should be:
          E8 E9 E9 E9 17 16 16 16 E8 E9 E9 E9 17 16 16 16
          AD AE AE 19 BA B8 B8 0F 52 51 51 E6 45 47 47 F0
          09 0E 22 77 B3 B6 9A 78 E1 E7 CB 9E A4 A0 8C 6E
          E1 6A BD 3E 52 DC 27 46 B3 3B EC D8 17 9B 60 B6
          E5 BA F3 CE B7 66 D4 88 04 5D 38 50 13 C6 58 E6
          71 D0 7D B3 C6 B6 A9 3B C2 EB 91 6B D1 2D C9 8D
          E9 0D 20 8D 2F BB 89 B6 ED 50 18 DD 3C 7D D1 50
          96 33 73 66 B9 88 FA D0 54 D8 E2 0D 68 A5 33 5D
          8B F0 3F 23 32 78 C5 F3 66 A0 27 FE 0E 05 14 A3
          D6 0A 35 88 E4 72 F0 7B 82 D2 D7 85 8C D7 C3 26

          Keys[J] := Keys[J] + Chr(I - 1);
        { should be:
          00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
          D6 AA 74 FD D2 AF 72 FA DA A6 78 F1 D6 AB 76 FE
          B6 92 CF 0B 64 3D BD F1 BE 9B C5 00 68 30 B3 FE
          B6 FF 74 4E D2 C2 C9 BF 6C 59 0C BF 04 69 BF 41
          47 F7 F7 BC 95 35 3E 03 F9 6C 32 BC FD 05 8D FD
          3C AA A3 E8 A9 9F 9D EB 50 F3 AF 57 AD F6 22 AA
          5E 39 0F 7D F7 A6 92 96 A7 55 3D C1 0A A3 1F 6B
          14 F9 70 1A E3 5F E2 8C 44 0A DF 4D 4E A9 C0 26
          47 43 87 35 A4 1C 65 B9 E0 16 BA F4 AE BF 7A D2
          54 99 32 D1 F0 85 57 68 10 93 ED 9C BE 2C 97 4E
          13 11 1D 7F E3 94 4A 17 F3 07 A7 8B 4D 2B 30 C5


    Expandkey(Texttokey(Keys[J]), Aes128[J]);

    Keys[J] := '';
    K := 1;
    While K <= Length(Aes128[J]) Do
      Keys[J] := Keys[J] + Inttohex(Aes128[J][K], 2) + Chr(32);
      If K Mod 16 = 0 Then
        Keys[J] := Keys[J] + #13#10;

Procedure Taes.Keyschedule_core(Var Word: Tword; Iteration: Integer; Mode: Byte);
  Rotate(Word, Mode);
  Word[1] := Word[1] Xor Byte(Rcon(Iteration));


Function Taes.Galois_mult(A, B: Byte): Byte; //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijndael_mix_columns
  P, Counter, Hi_bit_set: Byte;
  Aa, Bb: Byte;

  Aa := A;
  Bb := B;
  P := 0;
  Counter := 0;
  While Counter < 8 Do
    If (Bb And 1) <> 0 Then
      P := P Xor Aa;

    Hi_bit_set := Byte(Aa And $80); //Mod 256;
    Aa := Byte(Aa Shl 1);
    If Hi_bit_set <> 0 Then
      Aa := Byte(Aa Xor $1b); //x^8+x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1
    Bb := Bb Shr 1;
  Result := P;

Function Taes.Multcolumn(Column: Tcolumn; Mode: Byte): Tcolumn;
//multiplies a column with the MDS matrix
  2  3  1  1
  1  2  3  1
  1  1  2  3
  3  1  1  2

  14 11 13 9
  9  14 11 13
  13  9 14 11
  11 13  9 14

  where + = xor, x = galois-multiplication }

  Case Mode Of

        Result[1] := (((Galois_mult(2, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(3, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (1, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(1, Column[4]));
        Result[2] := (((Galois_mult(1, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(2, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (3, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(1, Column[4]));
        Result[3] := (((Galois_mult(1, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(1, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (2, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(3, Column[4]));
        Result[4] := (((Galois_mult(3, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(1, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (1, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(2, Column[4]));
        Result[1] := (((Galois_mult(14, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(11, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (13, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(9, Column[4]));
        Result[2] := (((Galois_mult(9, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(14, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (11, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(13, Column[4]));
        Result[3] := (((Galois_mult(13, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(9, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (14, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(11, Column[4]));
        Result[4] := (((Galois_mult(11, Column[1]) Xor Galois_mult(13, Column[2])) Xor Galois_mult
              (9, Column[3])) Xor Galois_mult(14, Column[4]));

Procedure Taes.Mixcolumns(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte);

  Column: Tcolumn;
  I, J: Integer;

  //identify columns
  J := 1;
  While J <= 4 Do
    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      Column[I] := State[I][J];
    Column := Multcolumn(Column, Mode);
    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      State[I][J] := Column[I];

Procedure Taes.Subbytes(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte); //ok
  X: Byte;
  I, J: Integer;

  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    While J <= 4 Do
      X := State[I][J];
      Case Mode Of
          X := Sbox[X];
          X := Invsbox[X];
      State[I][J] := X;

Procedure Taes.Subbytes(Var Word: Tword);
  I: Integer;
  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    Word[I] := GetSBoxValue(Word[I]);

Function Taes.Rcon(Index: Byte): Integer;
  C, B: Integer;

  If Index = 0 Then
    Result := $8d
    C := 1;
    While Index <> 1 Do
      B := C And $80;
      C := C Shl 1;
      If B = $80 Then
        C := C Xor $1b;
    Result := C;

(* orig c code:
  unsigned char c=1;
  if(in == 0)
  return 0;
  while(in != 1) {
  unsigned char b;
  b = c & 0x80;
  c <<= 1;
  if(b == 0x80) {
  c ^= 0x1b;
  return c;

Function Taes.Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey128): Byte; //correct!
//expands given key (128,192,256 bit, determined by bitlen variable) to (176,208,240 bytes)
//blocksize=16=>keysize 128 bit
//result:= the number of rounds (10,12,14) determined by new keylength
//SRC= http://www.samiam.org/key-schedule.html
  I, Rconiterator, A, C: Integer;
  Temp: Tword;
  I := 1;
  While I <= Length(Key) Do
    Expandedkey[I] := Key[I];

  Rconiterator := 1;
  C := Length(Key) + 1; //17
  While C <= 176 Do
    { Copy the temporary variable over from the last 4-byte- block }
    A := 1;
    While A <= 4 Do
      Temp[A] := Expandedkey[A + C - 5];

    If ((C - 1) Mod 16 = 0) Then
      Keyschedule_core(Temp, Rconiterator, 0);
    A := 1;
    While A <= 4 Do
      Expandedkey[C] := Expandedkey[C - 16] Xor Temp[A];

  Result := 11; //number of rounds for 128 bit keys

Function Taes.Generatesubkeys(Expandedkey: Tkey128): Tsubkeys128;
  I, J, K: Byte;
  X: Byte;
  Subkeystate: Tstate;
  Subkey: Tinput;
  I := 1;
  X := 1;
  While I < Length(Expandedkey) Do
    J := I;
    K := 1;
    While K <= 16 Do
      Subkey[K] := Expandedkey[J];

    Subkeystate := Keytostate(Subkey);
    Result[X] := Subkeystate;
    I := J;

Function Taes.Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey192): Byte;
//expands given key (128,192,256 bit, determined by bitlen variable) to (176,208,240 bytes)
//blocksize=16=>keysize 128 bit
//result:=new keylength(determines the number of rounds (10,12,14)
//SRC= http://www.samiam.org/key-schedule.html
  I: Integer;
  Currentsize, Size: Integer;
  Rconiteration: Integer;
  Temp: Tword;
  Rconiteration := 1;
  Size := Length(Key);
  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    Temp[I] := 0;
  Currentsize := 0;
  I := 1;
  While I <= Size Do
    Expandedkey[I] := Key[I];
  Currentsize := Currentsize + Size;
  // assign the previous 4 bytes to the temporary value t
  While Currentsize < Length(Expandedkey) Do
    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      Temp[I] := Expandedkey[(Currentsize - 4) + I];
    //every 16,24,32 bytes (respective length of tinput) we apply the core schedule to t and increment rconIteration afterwards

    If Currentsize Mod Size = 0 Then
      Keyschedule_core(Temp, Rconiteration + 1, 0);

      We XOR t with the four-byte block 16,24,32 bytes before the new expanded key.
      * This becomes the next four bytes in the expanded key.

    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      Expandedkey[Currentsize] := Expandedkey[Currentsize - Size] Xor Temp[I];

  Result := 12; //number of rounds for 192 bit keys

Function Taes.Expandkey(Key: Tinput; Var Expandedkey: Tkey256): Byte;
//expands given key (128,192,256 bit, determined by bitlen variable) to (176,208,240 bytes)
//blocksize=16=>keysize 128 bit
//result:=new keylength(determines the number of rounds (10,12,14)
//SRC= http://www.samiam.org/key-schedule.html
  I: Integer;
  Currentsize, Size: Integer;
  Rconiteration: Integer;
  Temp: Tword;
  Rconiteration := 1;
  Size := Length(Key);
  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    Temp[I] := 0;
  Currentsize := 0;
  I := 1;
  While I <= Size Do
    Expandedkey[I] := Key[I];
  Currentsize := Currentsize + Size;
  // assign the previous 4 bytes to the temporary value t
  While Currentsize < Length(Expandedkey) Do
    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      Temp[I] := Expandedkey[(Currentsize - 4) + I];
    //every 16,24,32 bytes (respective length of tinput) we apply the core schedule to t and increment rconIteration afterwards

    If Currentsize Mod Size = 0 Then
      Keyschedule_core(Temp, Rconiteration + 1, 0);

    //applies only to 256 bit keys: For 256-bit keys, we add an extra sbox to the calculation
    If (Size = 32) And (Currentsize Mod Size = 16) Then
      I := 1;
      While I <= 4 Do
        Temp[I] := Getsboxvalue(Temp[I]);


      We XOR t with the four-byte block 16,24,32 bytes before the new expanded key.
      * This becomes the next four bytes in the expanded key.

    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      Expandedkey[Currentsize] := Expandedkey[Currentsize - Size] Xor Temp[I];

  Result := 14; //number of rounds for 256 bit keys

Function Taes.Texttostate(Substr: String): Tstate;
//max length 16!!
  I, J: Integer;
  Row: Trow;

  If Length(Substr) > 16 Then
    Raise Exception.Create('No valid substring length');

  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    While J <= 4 Do
      Row[J] := Ord(Substr[J + 4 * (I - 1)]);

    Result[I] := Row;


Function Taes.Keytostate(Data: Tinput): Tstate;
  I, J: Integer;
  Row: Trow;


  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    While J <= 4 Do
      Row[J] := Ord(Data[J + 4 * (I - 1)]);

    Result[I] := Row;

Function Taes.Statetotext(State: Tstate): String;
  I, J: Int64;

  Result := '';
  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    While J <= 4 Do
      Result := Result + Chr(State[I][J]);

Function Taes.Texttokey(Key: String): Tinput;
  I: Byte;
  If Length(Key) > 16 Then
    Raise Exception.Create('Keylength not accepted. Must be <=16')

    I := 1;
    While I <= Length(Key) Do
      Result[I] := Ord(Key[I]);
    While I < 16 Do
      Result[I] := 0;



Procedure Taes.Showstate(State: Tstate; Memo: Tmemo);
  I, J: Integer;
  Row: Trow;
  R: String;

  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    R := '';
    While J <= 4 Do
      Row[J] := State[I][J];
      R := R + Inttostr(Row[J]) + Chr(32);

Procedure Taes.Shiftrows(Var State: Tstate; Mode: Byte); //ok
  Function Rowshift(Row: Trow; Count, Mode: Byte): Trow;
    I, K: Integer;

    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      If Mode = 0 Then
        K := (I + Count);
        If K > 4 Then
          K := K - 4;
      Else If Mode = 1 Then
        K := (I - Count);
        If K < 1 Then
          K := K + 4;
      Result[I] := Row[K];

  I: Integer;
  If (Mode = 0) Or (Mode = 1) Then
    I := 1;
    While I <= 4 Do
      State[I] := Rowshift(State[I], I - 1, Mode);

// rotate(1d 2c 3a 4f) = 2c 3a 4f 1d
//tword is 4byte long, Rotation 8 bit (=1byte) to the left=shifting one entry to the left
Procedure Taes.Rotate(Var Value: Tword; Mode: Byte);
  I, J: Byte;
  Result: Tword;

  Case Mode Of

        I := 1;
        While I <= 4 Do
          J := I + 1;
          If J > 4 Then
            J := J - 4;

          Result[I] := Value[J];

        I := 1;
        While I <= 4 Do
          J := I - 1;
          If J <= 0 Then
            J := J + 4;

          Result[I] := Value[J];
  Value := Result;

Procedure Taes.AddRoundKey(Var State: Tstate; Roundkey: Tstate);
  I, J: Integer;

  I := 1;
  While I <= 4 Do
    J := 1;
    While J <= 4 Do //one row
      State[I][J] := State[I][J] Xor Roundkey[I][J];

Function Taes.Getsboxvalue(Index: Byte): Byte;
  Result := Sbox[Index];

Function Taes.Getinvsboxvalue(Index: Byte): Byte;
  Result := Invsbox[Index];

Procedure Taes.Aes(Roundcount: Byte; Var State: Tstate; Keys: Tsubkeys128; Mode: Byte);
  I: Integer;

  If Mode = 0 Then
    I := 1;
    Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);
    While I <= Roundcount - 1 Do
      Subbytes(State, Mode);
      Shiftrows(State, Mode);
      Mixcolumns(State, Mode);
      Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);
    // final round :
    Subbytes(State, Mode);
    Shiftrows(State, Mode);
    Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);

    I := Roundcount;
    //decryption= go backwards from last step on
    Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);
    Shiftrows(State, Mode);
    Subbytes(State, Mode);
    I := I - 1;
    While I >= 2 Do
      Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);
      Mixcolumns(State, Mode);
      Shiftrows(State, Mode);
      Subbytes(State, Mode);

    Addroundkey(State, Keys[I]);

Function Taes.Aes_text(Var Text, Key: String; Bitlen: Integer; Mode: Byte): String;
  Substr: String;
  I, J, Textlen: Int64;
  State: Tstate;
  Keystate: Tinput;
  Roundcount: Integer;
  Subkeys: Tsubkeys128;

  Textlen := Length(Text);
  While Textlen Mod 16 <> 0 Do
    Text := Text + Chr(0);

  Keystate := Texttokey(Key);
  Case Bitlen Of
      Roundcount := Expandkey(Keystate, Expandedkey128);
      Roundcount := Expandkey(Keystate, Expandedkey192);
      Roundcount := Expandkey(Keystate, Expandedkey256);
      Result := Text;
      Raise Exception.Create('Keysize not accepted.');


  Subkeys := Generatesubkeys(Expandedkey128);

  If Roundcount <> -1 Then
    I := 1;
    While I <= Textlen Do
      J := I;
      Substr := '';
      While J < I + 16 Do
        Substr := Substr + Text[J];
      State := Texttostate(Substr);
      Aes(Roundcount, State, Subkeys, Mode);
      Substr := Statetotext(State);
      Result := Result + Substr;
      I := J;

    Result := Text; //an error occurred


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