Es wird ja weiterentwicklelt. Eigentlich waren ja keine 2.x Versionen geplant
Featurerstand FB2 + Vulcan-Kern = Firebird 3. Die Verschmelzung war aber wohl komplizierter als geplant und deshalb wurden neue Features auf Basis von Firebird 2 implementiert (2.x Versionen). Vulcan basierte m.W. ursprünglich auf frühem
FB 2 Code.

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A "fork" was taken from the early Firebird 2 alpha code in December 2003 for the purpose of redesigning the threading architecture of the database engine. The project, implemented by the original developer of InterBase (Jim Starkey) was commissioned for SAS Institute, the world's largest privately-owned vendor of statistics application software. SAS adopted Firebird in 2003 to deliver richer RDBMS commodity features as part of its storage offering. The sources, code-named "Vulcan", were formally handed over to the Firebird project in 2005 and continue to be developed in parallel with Firebird 2. The first public beta-testing cycle of Vulcan is due to begin about mid-year 2006.
Firebird 3
Merging Firebird 2 and the Vulcan code has started, with the objective of releasing Firebird 3 early in 2007. Firebird 3 will have full support for fine-grained thread management on multi-core and multiple-CPU hosts, full utilisation of 64-bit system features and a raft of configuration options for customising both server and database-level security.
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