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Floyd-Steinberg Dithering

Ein Thema von shmia · begonnen am 21. Aug 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 30. Nov 2023
Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
389 Beiträge

AW: Floyd-Steinberg Dithering

  Alt 7. Nov 2023, 06:30
You are really hardworking on this !

Are you familiar with CMOV instruction ?!!
Read about it from here
Also search and research example for it and its usage, and trust me you will feel real good after that and your above code will go brrrrrrr faster.

eg. That part of clamping the slow one replacing values with
      if v < 0 then
        Blue := 0
      else if v > 255 then
        Blue := 255
        Blue := v;
This could be two CMP and two CMOV, with 0 branching/jumping, will boost the speed nicely, by relieving branch prediction (removing the jmps) letting out-of-order-execution kick in unhindered.
instead of
               jle     @BlueZero           // Ist <= 0
               cmp     eax,255
               jbe     @BlueSet            // Ist <= 255
               mov     byte[edx],255        // Blauanteil = 255 setzen
               jmp     @Green              // Gr&#1100;nanteil errechnen
@BlueZero:    xor     eax,eax             // Blau = 0
@BlueSet:     mov     [edx],al            // Blauanteil speichern
Also you could ditch all that and try SSE or MMX , both are supported on CPUs for almost 3 decades (MMX) and no need to check for CPU compatibility for it, MMX will perform the all these operation on one pixel (4 colors) in parallel, the speed should be around 4 times than simple plain linear assembly.
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