HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Application Verifier Results for TEST-PC</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY bgcolor=#FFF8DC><H1>Application Verifier Results for TEST-PC</H1>
<TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=2 bgcolor='white'>
<TR bgcolor='black'><TH WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Status</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Application</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Layer Name</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Failure</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Stop Code</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Parameter 1</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Parameter 2</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Parameter 3</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Parameter 4</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Probable Cause</TH><TH NOWRAP><FONT COLOR='white'>Additional Information</TH></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>Acrobat.com.exe</TD> <TD>
COM API or Proxy called from DllMain.</TD> <TD>0x401</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD>This stop is generated when a
COM Proxy or a dangerous
COM API is called with the loader lock held</TD> <TD>To debug this run a simple kb' to get the stack of the misbehaving
DLL. The
DLL should remove its call to the
COM API in question.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>Acrobat.com.exe</TD> <TD>Locks</TD> <TD>Unloading
DLL containing an active critical section.</TD> <TD>0x201</TD> <TD>1077a108 - Critical section address.</TD> <TD>42b990 - Critical section initialization stack trace.</TD> <TD>26fefe2 -
DLL name address.</TD> <TD>10000000 -
DLL base address.</TD> <TD>This stop is generated if a
DLL has a global variable containing a critical section and the
DLL is unloaded but the critical section has not been deleted.</TD> <TD>Check the contents of the current call stack when the
DLL with the active lock was unloaded. Frequency of this error is high. To debug this stop use the following debugger commands:
du parameter3 to dump the name of the culprit
.reload dllname or .reload dllname = parameter4 - to reload the symbols for that
!css parameter1 - dump information about this critical section.
ln parameter1 to show symbols near the address of the critical section. This should help identify the leaked critical section.
dds parameter2 to dump the stack trace for this critical section initialization.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AOLDesktop.exe</TD> <TD>Memory</TD> <TD>Probing free memory.</TD> <TD>0x604</TD> <TD>733effff - Start address.</TD> <TD>8 - Memory block size.</TD> <TD>733ef000 - Address of free memory page.</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AOLDesktop.exe</TD> <TD>TLS</TD> <TD>Unloading
DLL that allocated TLS index that was not freed.</TD> <TD>0x350</TD> <TD>21abba - TLS index</TD> <TD>6c009aed - Address of the code that allocated this TLS index.</TD> <TD>261cfe0 -
DLL name address. Use du to dump it.</TD> <TD>6c000000 -
DLL base address.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AOLDesktop.exe</TD> <TD>Memory</TD> <TD>Probing free memory.</TD> <TD>0x604</TD> <TD>7c35f07d - Start address.</TD> <TD>1 - Memory block size.</TD> <TD>7c35f000 - Address of free memory page.</TD> <TD>0 - Not used.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#90EE90>Passed</TD><TD COLSPAN=10>aollaunch.exe</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#90EE90>Passed</TD><TD COLSPAN=10>aolload.exe</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AolTbServer.exe</TD> <TD>Heaps</TD> <TD>First chance
access violation for current stack trace.</TD> <TD>0x13</TD> <TD>54def94 - Invalid address causing the
exception.</TD> <TD>7675f3e7 - Code address executing the invalid
access.</TD> <TD>12f1cc -
Exception record.</TD> <TD>12f1e8 - Context record.</TD> <TD>This is the most common application verifier stop. Typically it is caused by a buffer overrun error. The heap verifier places a non-accessible page at the end of a heap allocation and a buffer overrun will cause an
exception by touching this page. There are several other causes for this stop. For example, accessing a heap block after being freed. The same debugger command will be useful for this case too.</TD> <TD>To debug this stop identify the
access address that caused the
exception and then use the following debugger command: !heap -p -a ACCESS_ADDRESS
This command will give details about the nature of the error and what heap block is overrun. It will also give the stack trace for the block allocation.</TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AolTbServer.exe</TD> <TD>
COM</TD> <TD>Unhandled
exception in
COM call.</TD> <TD>0x402</TD> <TD>12ea24 -
Exception pointers for
exception.</TD> <TD>412ff0 - Object being called on.</TD> <TD>7617f08 - Pointer to IID being called on.</TD> <TD>b - Method number being called on.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AolTbServer.exe</TD> <TD>
COM</TD> <TD>Unhandled
exception in
COM call.</TD> <TD>0x402</TD> <TD>12e354 -
Exception pointers for
exception.</TD> <TD>412ff0 - Object being called on.</TD> <TD>7617f08 - Pointer to IID being called on.</TD> <TD>b - Method number being called on.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD WIDTH=75 ALIGN=CENTER bgcolor=#FFB6C1>Failed</TD><TD>AolTbServer.exe</TD> <TD>
COM</TD> <TD>Unhandled
exception in
COM call.</TD> <TD>0x402</TD> <TD>12dc84 -
Exception pointers for
exception.</TD> <TD>412ff0 - Object being called on.</TD> <TD>7617f08 - Pointer to IID being called on.</TD> <TD>b - Method number being called on.</TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> </TD></TR>