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Registriert seit: 16. Feb 2008
Ort: Baden-Württemberg
2.332 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Professional

AW: TWebBrowser - zwei Formulare nacheinander ausfüllen

  Alt 4. Nov 2012, 00:10
Eine HTML-Seite kann mehr als ein Web-Formular enthalten.
Am Besten man lässt sich die Struktur in einem TreeView anzeigen.

function VariantIsObject(const value:OleVariant):boolean;
   result := (VarType(value) = varDispatch);

procedure Browser2TreeView(WebBrowser: TWebBrowser; root:TTreeNodes);
  i,j, k :Integer;
  FormItem, Element, SubElement: OleVariant;
  child, child2, child3 : TTreeNode;
  s_type : string;



  //count forms on document
  for I:=0 to WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.forms.Length -1 do
    FormItem := WebBrowser.OleObject.Document.forms.Item(I);

    if VariantIsObject(FormItem.Name) then
       child := root.AddChild(nil, 'Form'+IntToStr(i)+': '+FormItem.Name.Name)
       child := root.AddChild(nil, 'Form'+IntToStr(i)+': '+FormItem.Name);
    child.ImageIndex := 3;

    For j:= 0 to FormItem.Length-1 do
         Element := FormItem.Item(j);
         //when the fieldname is found, try to fill out
         child2 := root.AddChild(child, Element.Name+' = '+Element.Value);

         s_type := lowercase(Element.Type);

         if s_type = 'submitthen
            child2.ImageIndex := 1
         else if s_type = 'textthen
            child2.ImageIndex := 0
         else if s_type = 'filethen
            child2.ImageIndex := 2
         else if s_type = 'hiddenthen
            child2.ImageIndex := 4
         else if s_type = 'checkboxthen
            child2.ImageIndex := 5
         else if s_type = 'radiothen
            child2.ImageIndex := 6
         else if s_type = 'select-onethen
            child2.ImageIndex := 7
            child2.ImageIndex := -1;

         child3 := root.AddChild(child2, 'Type='+s_type);
         child3.ImageIndex := -1;

         if s_type = 'textthen
            child3 := root.AddChild(child2, 'MaxLen='+IntToStr(Element.maxLength));
            child3.ImageIndex := -1;
         else if s_type = 'select-onethen
            for k := 0 to Element.Options.Length-1 do
               SubElement := Element.Options.Item(k);
               child3 := root.AddChild(child2, SubElement.Text+ ' = <'+SubElement.Value+'>');
               child3.ImageIndex := -1;
        on E:Exception do
         root.AddChild(child, E.Message);

   if root.Count > 0 then
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