Thema: Delphi Intraweb im Netzwerk

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AW: Intraweb im Netzwerk

  Alt 22. Okt 2012, 10:38

ich hatte ein ähnliches Problem, vielleicht hilft dir das hier weiter

procedure TIWServerController.IWServerControllerBaseBrowserCheck(aSession: TIWApplication; var rBrowser: TBrowser);
  MinVersion: Single;
  // unknown browser
  if (rBrowser is TOther) then begin
    // accept the unknown browser as Internet Explorer 8
    rBrowser := TInternetExplorer.Create(8);
  // if is Safari, but older version
  else if (rBrowser is TSafari) and (not rBrowser.IsSupported) then begin
    MinVersion := rBrowser.MinSupportedVersion;
    // we will create it as the minimum supported version
    rBrowser := TSafari.Create(MinVersion);
  // if is Chrome, but older version
  else if (rBrowser is TChrome) and (not rBrowser.IsSupported) then begin
    MinVersion := rBrowser.MinSupportedVersion;
    // we will create it as the minimum supported version
    rBrowser := TChrome.Create(MinVersion);
  // if is Firefox, but older version
  else if (rBrowser is TFirefox) and (not rBrowser.IsSupported) then begin
    MinVersion := rBrowser.MinSupportedVersion;
    // we will create it as the minimum supported version
    rBrowser := TFirefox.Create(MinVersion);
  // if is IE, but older version
  else if (rBrowser is TInternetExplorer) and (not rBrowser.IsSupported) then begin
    MinVersion := rBrowser.MinSupportedVersion;
    // we will create it as the minimum supported version
    rBrowser := TInternetExplorer.Create(MinVersion);

Geändert von Despaired (22. Okt 2012 um 10:45 Uhr)
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