Da ich nicht glaube dass es ein zeitnahen Stream gibt würde ich mich über folgende Infos freuen:
1. Gibt es Fmi in Xe3 oder ist es komplett bis zu einem Update in Q1 2013 nicht dabei?
Es gibt nun offizielle Infos

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As a result of the language changes for mobile and changes to the FireMonkey framework (which will roll into the mobile products), FireMonkey is no longer compatible with the FreePascal toolchain used to compile iOS applications with XCode. Therefore, the migration tools delivered in XE2 will no longer be included in XE3, and FireMonkey FM2 desktop apps will not be compatible with FreePascal and XCode. However, as an XE3 customer you will have
access to (or may already have) the XE2 product that you can continue to use with FireMonkey XE2 to build iOS applications with Xcode and FreePascal.