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Delphi XE6 Professional

Re: Compute screen proportion

  Alt 21. Jul 2012, 19:43
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function ToFrac(const AValue: Extended; const ADivisor: Word; const AFrac: Boolean): string;
  A, B: Integer;
  I, F: Extended;
  B := ADivisor;
  I := Int(AValue);
  F := Frac(AValue);
  A := Round(F / (1 / B));

  if (F = 0) or (A = 0) then
    Result := Format('%.0f', [I]);

  while (A mod 2 = 0) and (B mod 2 = 0) do
    A := A div 2;
    B := B div 2;
  if (A = B) and (A > 0) then
    I := I + A;
    Result := Format('%.0f', [I])
    Result := Format('%.0f %.0d/%.0d', [I, A, B])

  if AFrac then
    Result := Format('%.0f/%.0d', [(I * B) + A, B])
This one allows to get valid value, but need to know divisor. How to compute it? Or maybe there is some existing open sour ce to work with fractions?
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