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Ein Thema von tcoman · begonnen am 3. Jan 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Jan 2016
Antwort Antwort
'Aim is to load only 1 big image'
'from resource file...'
'and copy parts of this big image'
'into smaller TImages....'
'Try to test this now with 3 kinds'
'of Images: BMP, ICO and JPGs.'
'Compiled with "Delphi 2005"'
'under Win "Vista" Home Edition'
'for ""'
'from Terence Coman Jan 2016'
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
p39test1a.jpg   p39test1b.jpg  
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (2,67 MB, 5x aufgerufen)

Delphi 10.4 Sydney
  Alt 3. Jan 2016, 14:01
Could you please explain the idea behind your project?
The benefit for other users? What does it demonstrate or explain?
Daniel R. Wolf
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat
Antwort Antwort


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